By Tag "scripture"

114 results

Young adult programs

Young adult programs

--- Young adult engagement
--- Classroom/youth ministry

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Vocation ministry in a connected, ecologically fragile world

Vocation ministry in a connected, ecologically fragile world

--- Sustainability
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Convocation 2010: Casting the net

[ Brother David Andrews C.S.C. ]  

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Celibate chastity: a sacrifice because of the kingdom of heaven

Celibate chastity: a sacrifice because of the kingdom of heaven

--- Chastity
--- Chastity
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of celibacy and vocations

[ Father Douglas-Adam Greer O.P. ]  

Feed your spirit: God brings sparkle

Feed your spirit: God brings sparkle

--- 2023 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Vow of celibacy

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Theological reflection: A success story

Theological reflection: A success story

[ Sister Donna Del Santo S.S.J. ]  

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Book notes: Wise counsel for discerners

Book notes: Wise counsel for discerners

--- Book reviews
--- 2014 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Vocation to action & contemplation

[ Fr. Kenneth O’Malley CP ]  

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Feed your spirit: Trust

Feed your spirit: Trust

--- 2023 HORIZON No. 3 Summer--Synodality and collaboration

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Using art to explore vocation

Using art to explore vocation

--- 2023 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Come together
--- Discernment

[ Kathleen Hope Brown ]   [ David M. Orr ]  

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“Here I am”­ -- Responding to the call to go beyond

“Here I am”­ -- Responding to the call to go beyond

--- 2023 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Call beyond borders
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry

[ Sister Barbara Reid O.P. ]  

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Scripture stories for chaotic times

Scripture stories for chaotic times

--- 2022 HORIZON No. 4 Fall--Staying grounded
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry

[ Sister Sarah Kohles O.S.F. ]  

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Book notes: Searching for the common good

Book notes: Searching for the common good

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 1 -- Discernment as a way of life
--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Good entertainment, weak spiritual guidance

Book notes: Good entertainment, weak spiritual guidance

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Linda Bechen R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Nuanced portrait of young adults points to hopes, challenges

Book notes: Nuanced portrait of young adults points to hopes, challenges

--- 2010 HORIZON No. 4 -- Global perspectives |Connect with young adults | Gifts of religious priesthood
--- Book reviews

[ Avis Clendenen ]  

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Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Book is a substantive guide to spiritual growth

Book notes: Book is a substantive guide to spiritual growth

--- Book reviews
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Feed your spirit

Feed your spirit

--- 2020 HORIZON No. 4 Fall — Assessment

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Scripture insights for difficult days

Scripture insights for difficult days

--- 2018 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Ministry amid the storm
--- Sex abuse
--- Scripture

[ Father Ronald Rolheiser O.M.I. ]  

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Book Notes: Searching for the common good

Book Notes: Searching for the common good

--- Communal Life

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Journey into the Future

Journey into the Future

--- Theological reflection on vocation ministry
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Scripture
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2004: Fidelity to Jesus, Paradigm of Hope
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth

[ Father Timothy Radcliffe O.P. ]  

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Vocation visioning weekend

Vocation visioning weekend

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety edition
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Sr. Patricia Donlin R.S.M. ]  

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Finding vocation themes in popular movies

Finding vocation themes in popular movies

--- Popular media
--- Popular Media
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 2 -- Vocation themes in popular media

[ Sr. Rose Pacatte F.S.P. ]  

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Book Notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise

Book Notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Susan Rose Francois C.S.J.P. ]  

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Book notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise

Book notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise

--- Discernment

[ Sister Susan Francois C.S.J.P. ]  

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A loving gaze at religious life realities

A loving gaze at religious life realities

--- 2013 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- 25 years in the vineyard of the Lord
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Sister Susan Francois C.S.J.P. ]  

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Making ecclesial diversity work in religious communities

Making ecclesial diversity work in religious communities

--- Ecclesial diversity

[ Nancy Schreck O.S.F. ]  

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Theology of vocation from a liturgical perspective

Theology of vocation from a liturgical perspective

--- Theology of vocation
--- Theology of Vocation
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Gil Ostdiek O.F.M. ]  

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Toward a new understanding of cultural encounter in our communities

Toward a new understanding of cultural encounter in our communities

--- Multicultural issues
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 2 -- Dimensions of Diversity: Convocation 2002
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

[ Marie Chin R.S.M. ]  

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Renew the glory of your vocation by clinging to the hand of God

Renew the glory of your vocation by clinging to the hand of God

--- Theological reflection on vocation ministry
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Convocation 2010: Casting the net
--- Self-care for Vocation Ministers
--- Self care for vocation ministers
--- Hope and Humor
--- Hope

[ Br. Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C. ]  

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Book notes: Book is a substantive guide to spiritual growth

Book notes: Book is a substantive guide to spiritual growth

--- Spiritual growth
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Use new media to promote vocations

Use new media to promote vocations

--- Social media
--- Popular Media
--- 2010 HORIZON No. 3 -- Process addictions | New media | Vietnamese candidates
--- Social Media
--- Popular media
--- Advertising & Media
--- Communications

[ D. Scott Miller ]  

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The must-knows about discerning enclosed life

The must-knows about discerning enclosed life

--- Contemplation / Monastic / Cloistered
--- Charism and Religious Life
--- 2014 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Fresh approaches to vocation ministry
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Sister Gabriel Davison O.S.C. ]  

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Call and commission in the New Testament

Call and commission in the New Testament

--- Theology of Vocation
--- Theology of vocation
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Jerome Neyrey S.J. ]  

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Welcoming "the other" in our midst

Welcoming "the other" in our midst

--- Multicultural issues
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 2 -- Dimensions of Diversity: Convocation 2002
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

[ Fr. Virgilio Elizondo ]  

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The inner journey of the transition into religious life

The inner journey of the transition into religious life

--- Formation
--- Formation Articles
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 4 -- Preparing discerners for formation
--- Psychological health
--- Psychological Assessment and Mental Health

[ Sister Jane Becker O.S.B. ]  

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Theology of vocation through the centuries

Theology of vocation through the centuries

--- Theology of Vocation
--- Theology of vocation
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Paul Holland S.J. ]  

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A campus program that builds on the new openness to religious life

A campus program that builds on the new openness to religious life

--- Campus ministry
--- College Students
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 4 -- Preparing discerners for formation

[ Sr. Judith Schaefer OP ]  

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Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

--- Strategic planning / Structuring vocation ministry

[ Sr. Melannie Svoboda S.N.D. ]  

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Vocation ministers as ambassadors for Christ: a reconciling presence

Vocation ministers as ambassadors for Christ: a reconciling presence

--- Reconciliation
--- Reconciliation
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation

[ Archbishop Joseph Tobin C.S.S.R. ]  

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Vocation ministers can follow St. Paul’s path toward reconciliation

Vocation ministers can follow St. Paul’s path toward reconciliation

--- Reconciliation
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation
--- Reconciliation

[ Sr. Kathryn J. Hermes F.S.P. ]  

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Apply best practices from young adult ministry to vocation ministry

Apply best practices from young adult ministry to vocation ministry

--- Young Catholics
--- Young adult ministry
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 4 -- Preparing discerners for formation

[ Mike Hayes ]  

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Ready? Set ... GOD!

Ready? Set ... GOD!

--- Youth, youth ministry
--- Young Catholics
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation
--- Program outlines
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Randall Kin, O.F.M. Conv. ]   [ Pat Dorobek S.N.D. ]   [ Sandra Sherman O.S.U. ]  

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Book notes: Nuanced portrait of young adults points to hopes, challenges

Book notes: Nuanced portrait of young adults points to hopes, challenges

--- Young adults
--- Emerging Adults

[ Avis Clendenen ]  

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Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

--- Self care for vocation ministers

[ Sr. Melannie Svoboda S.N.D. ]  

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God has shouted, "Yes, yes, yes!"

God has shouted, "Yes, yes, yes!"

--- 2006 HORIZON No. 1 -- Hope
--- Hope
--- Hope and Humor

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Lessons for vocation ministers from the RCIA

Lessons for vocation ministers from the RCIA

--- Vocation ministry
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 4 -- Variety issue
--- Strategic planning / Structuring vocation ministry

[ Joel Schorn ]  

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Hope and security: new foundations

Hope and security: new foundations

--- 2006 HORIZON No. 1 -- Hope
--- Hope and Humor
--- Hope

[ David Couturier O.F.M., Cap. ]  

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Study looks at vocation consideration; challenges among Hispanics

Study looks at vocation consideration; challenges among Hispanics

--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness
--- Hispanics
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation

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A general approach to guiding vocational discernment

A general approach to guiding vocational discernment

--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment

[ Michael Scanlan T.O.R. ]  

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You're not alone

You're not alone

--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Carolyn Jost S.S.N.D. ]  

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Giving young adults discernment tools

Giving young adults discernment tools

--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment

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Current books, music and videos for discernment

Current books, music and videos for discernment

--- Popular Media
--- Popular media
--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment

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Survey shows Busy Person's Retreat holds some value for vocation ministers

Survey shows Busy Person's Retreat holds some value for vocation ministers

--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment
--- Campus ministry
--- College Students

[ Gail Rusbasan ]  

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Nigeria: plentiful candidates bring blessings and challenges

Nigeria: plentiful candidates bring blessings and challenges

--- Immigration and International Issues
--- International approaches to vocation ministry
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 1 -- Vocation realities around the world

[ Rita Schwartzenberger OP ]  

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Book Notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise

Book Notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise

--- Discernment

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Campus ministry 101 for vocation ministers

Campus ministry 101 for vocation ministers

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Vocations on campus
--- Campus ministry
--- College Students

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Cast the net from a firm foundation

Cast the net from a firm foundation

--- Theological reflection on vocation ministry
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Convocation 2010: Casting the net

[ Archbishop Pietro Sambi ]  

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Turning point: building consensus to make membership a priority

Turning point: building consensus to make membership a priority

--- Membership
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 1 -- What is the study of new membership telling us?
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Father Jim Kent, O.F.M. Conv. ]   [ Fr. Jim Kent, O.F.M. Conv. ]   [ Sr. Patricia Donlin R.S.M. ]  

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Vocation as a lifelong, personal adventure for every Christian

Vocation as a lifelong, personal adventure for every Christian

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Theology of vocation
--- Theology of Vocation
--- Theology of vocation

[ Archbishop Jean-Louis Brugués OP ]  

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Getting college students to think vocation

Getting college students to think vocation

--- Campus ministry
--- College Students
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 4 -- Creating a vocation culture on campus

[ Faye Darnall ]  

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What every vocation minister should know about campus ministry

What every vocation minister should know about campus ministry

--- Campus ministry
--- College Students
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 4 -- Creating a vocation culture on campus

[ Margaret Harig S.N.D. ]  

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Overcoming the influence of consumerism on vocation

Overcoming the influence of consumerism on vocation

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Theology of vocation
--- Theology of Vocation
--- Theology of vocation

[ Edward P. Hahnenberg ]  

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Belonging to God, each other and the future

Belonging to God, each other and the future

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Committed
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Br. Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C. ]  

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Jesus' deep invitations to contemporary religious life

Jesus' deep invitations to contemporary religious life

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Committed
--- Theology of vocation
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Theology of Vocation
--- Scripture

[ Father Ronald Rolheiser O.M.I. ]  

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Can we allow a new generation to shape religious life?

Can we allow a new generation to shape religious life?

--- Generations
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Committed
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Generational differences

[ Sr. Laurie Brink OP ]  

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Samuel Group: a year-long discernment program

Samuel Group: a year-long discernment program

--- Program Outlines
--- Campus ministry
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 4 -- Creating a vocation culture on campus
--- Program outlines

[ Tiziana Mazzei, A.I.L. ]  

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What are the best practices for “Come and See” events?

What are the best practices for “Come and See” events?

--- Program Outlines
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Charism and vocation ministry
--- Program outlines

[ Joel Schorn ]  

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Head into the deep

Head into the deep

--- 2015 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Rise, have no fear
--- Charism and Religious Life
--- Role of religious life / Nature of religious life
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry

[ Br. Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C. ]  

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The role of religious in the church and world

The role of religious in the church and world

--- Role of religious life / Nature of religious life
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Committed
--- Charism and Religious Life

[ John Allen ]  

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Encouraging theological reflection among young adults

Encouraging theological reflection among young adults

--- Theological reflection—encouraging it with young adults
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 4 -- Encouraging theological reflection | Practicing discernment

[ Eileen P. Doherty ]  

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How Duchesne House leads students to reflection

How Duchesne House leads students to reflection

--- Theological reflection—encouraging it with young adults
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 4 -- Encouraging theological reflection | Practicing discernment
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Sr. Mary Patricia White R.S.C.J. ]  

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What newer and older members offer each other

What newer and older members offer each other

--- 2013 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Inviting young people
--- Generational differences
--- Generations

[ Fr. Donald Goergen O.P. ]  

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Religious poverty: witness to the risen Christ

Religious poverty: witness to the risen Christ

--- Vow of poverty
--- Vow of poverty
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of poverty and vocations

[ Michael D. Guinan O.F.M. ]  

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To live in poverty is a call to love

To live in poverty is a call to love

--- Vow of poverty
--- Vow of poverty
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of poverty and vocations

[ Melania Strehl S.N.D. ]  

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Taking ourselves lightly: a place for humor and play in discernment

Taking ourselves lightly: a place for humor and play in discernment

--- Humor
--- 2012 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Cultural and family roots and vocation
--- Hope and Humor
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Sister Michele Vincent Fisher C.S.F.N. ]  

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How a discernment house can enhance vocation ministry

How a discernment house can enhance vocation ministry

--- Houses of Discernment
--- Houses of discernment
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 4 -- Encouraging theological reflection | Practicing discernment
--- Discernment

[ Sr. Charlene Diorka SS, J ]  

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Reflection: God does more than we can ask or imagine

Reflection: God does more than we can ask or imagine

--- 2015 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Rise, have no fear
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Hope and Humor
--- Hope

[ Sr. Catherine Bertrand S.S.N.D. ]  

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Theological reflection: A success story

Theological reflection: A success story

--- Service projects
--- Service Immersion Experiences
--- Theological reflection—encouraging it with young adults
--- Volunteers, outreach to them
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Inviting young people

[ Sister Donna Del Santo S.S.J. ]  

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Book Notes

Book Notes

--- 2011 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Charism and vocation ministry

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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What do the Bible's call stories tell us about vocations?

What do the Bible's call stories tell us about vocations?

--- 2015 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Family and vocations
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry

[ Sr. Elizabeth Davis R.S.M. ]  

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HORIZON Index 2012

HORIZON Index 2012

--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation

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How to develop an effective discernment house for college students

How to develop an effective discernment house for college students

--- Houses of discernment
--- Houses of Discernment
--- Discernment
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of celibacy and vocations
--- Program outlines

[ Larry Atkinson C.S.C. ]  

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Making ecclesial diversity work in religious communities

Making ecclesial diversity work in religious communities

--- Reconciliation
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 3 -- Making the most of diversity

[ Nancy Schreck O.S.F. ]  

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Hope begins where hope begins

Hope begins where hope begins

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety edition
--- Hope and Humor
--- Hope

[ Michael Downey ]  

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TV can be a vocation ministry tool

TV can be a vocation ministry tool

--- Popular media
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 2 -- Vocation themes in popular media
--- Popular Media

[ Bill ]   [ Bill Miller ]  

2016 Pope's Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

2016 Pope's Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

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What I learned from launching a discernment group for college women

What I learned from launching a discernment group for college women

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 3 -- Involving membership | Supervision | College outreach
--- College Students
--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- Young adults
--- Program outlines

[ Sr. Maria Sally Willitzer S.N.D. ]  

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Reflection: Faith multiplies in sharing

Reflection: Faith multiplies in sharing

--- Charism and Religious Life
--- Role of religious life / Nature of religious life
--- 2015 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Rise, have no fear

[ Clarence Gilyard ]  

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Obedience as sacrifice and blessing

Obedience as sacrifice and blessing

--- Vow of obedience
--- Vow of obedience
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 1 -- The vow of obedience and vocations

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An international conference to encourage vocations

An international conference to encourage vocations

--- Immigration and International Issues
--- International approaches to vocation ministry
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety edition
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

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Inviting thresholds

Inviting thresholds

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sr. Maria Cimperman O.S.U. ]  

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Listening to God: a Benedictine approach to discernment

Listening to God: a Benedictine approach to discernment

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 1 -- Discernment as a way of life

[ Br. Christian Raab O.S.B. ]  

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The built-in tensions in apostolic vocations

The built-in tensions in apostolic vocations

--- 2014 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Vocation to action & contemplation
--- Charism and Religious Life
--- Role of religious life / Nature of religious life

[ Br. John D. Hamilton C.F.X. ]  

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Helping college students create their own discernment models

Helping college students create their own discernment models

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 1 -- Discernment as a way of life
--- College Students
--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- Program Outlines
--- Young adults
--- Program outlines

[ Melanie-Préjean Sullivan ]  

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My week with the sisters

My week with the sisters

--- Service projects
--- Service Immersion Experiences
--- 2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Caroline Hopkinson ]  

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Laughing with the saints

Laughing with the saints

--- Humor
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Hope and Humor

[ Fr. James Martin S.J. ]  

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Using art to explore vocation

Using art to explore vocation

--- 2011 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Encouraging quality discernment
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Kathleen Hope Brown ]   [ David M. Orr ]  

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Feed your Spirit: What are you really doing?

Feed your Spirit: What are you really doing?

--- Self-care for Vocation Ministers
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Vocation ministry and new evangelization

[ Sr. Melannie Svoboda S.N.D. ]  

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Outline of a successful vocation retreat for Hispanic young adults

Outline of a successful vocation retreat for Hispanic young adults

--- Hispanics
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness
--- Multicultural issues
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 3 -- Vocations and community life
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Clemente Barrón CP ]  

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Exploring images of God during discernment

Exploring images of God during discernment

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- Theology of Vocation
--- Theology of vocation
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Fr. Harry Hagan O.S.B. ]   [ Carol Schuck Scheiber ]  

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Join hands with young adult ministers

Join hands with young adult ministers

--- Emerging Adults
--- Young adult ministry
--- 2010 HORIZON No. 4 -- Global perspectives |Connect with young adults | Gifts of religious priesthood
--- Young adults

[ Paul Jarzembowski ]  

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Book notes: Searching for the common good

Book notes: Searching for the common good

--- Community life

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A life of communal celibacy

A life of communal celibacy

--- Chastity
--- Chastity
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of celibacy and vocations

[ Rea McDonnell S.S.N.D. ]  

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Book notes: Is your integrity intact?

Book notes: Is your integrity intact?

--- Ethics
--- Professional Behavior and Boundaries
--- Ethics in Vocation Ministry

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Book notes: Good entertainment, weak spiritual guidance

Book notes: Good entertainment, weak spiritual guidance

--- Formation

[ Sr. Linda Bechen R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

--- Formation Articles
--- Formation

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Reach out, draw in

Reach out, draw in

--- 2013 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- 25 years in the vineyard of the Lord
--- Theology of vocation

[ Fr. Donald Senior CP ]  

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Editor's Note

Editor's Note

--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Carol Schuck Scheiber ]  

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Forming a vocation culture since the Continental Congress

Forming a vocation culture since the Continental Congress

--- Culture of vocations
--- Strategic Planning for Vocation Culture
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Fr. Raymond Lafontaine ]  

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Vocation meditations on women and need in Scripture

Vocation meditations on women and need in Scripture

--- Scripture
--- 2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Discernment

[ Sr. Lou Ella Hickman I.W.B.S. ]  

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Two programs that further a vocation culture

Two programs that further a vocation culture

--- Culture of vocations
--- Strategic Planning for Vocation Culture
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Fr. Raymond Lafontaine ]  

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A marginal life: pursuing holiness in the 21st century

A marginal life: pursuing holiness in the 21st century

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

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Put the Web to work for vocations

Put the Web to work for vocations

--- Websites
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 3 -- Trends and technology
--- Communications

[ Kathleen Wayne R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Wise counsel for discerners

Book notes: Wise counsel for discerners

--- Priesthood within a religious community
--- Discernment

[ Fr. Kenneth O’Malley CP ]  


Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

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Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

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Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

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