Young Catholics
Young Catholics
With high school students increasingly interested in the possibility of a church vocation (especially priesthood and religious life), more than ever we need useful strategies to teach the skills of discernment to this group. This statement is premised on two basic assumptions: 1) that discernment is not a naturally intuited process but is a set of learned skills, and 2) that high school students are both able and willing to learn these skills. Read more...
It was the feast of Francis of Assisi when I was asked to put some thoughts on paper about how young people experience God today, especially those we have come to term as Generations X and Y. As someone who has been involved in vocation ministry on a variety of levels for a number of years, many ideas came to mind from my own experiences with young people, my work with many religious congregations as they explore questions around new membership, and from what is being written about these generations. Read more...
To prepare for the October 2018 synod of bishops on youth, faith, and vocational discernment, church officials invited 300 young adults from around the world to meet in Rome in March 2018 to provide feedback on the synod themes. HORIZON presents just one section of this compelling document, which was written following extensive consultation via social media. Read more...
Christmas holiday
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