NRVC collaborators show support for 2020 study
NRVC collaborators show support for 2020 study
Representatives of nine national organizations recently gave input on the forthcoming NRVC study of new vocations. Left to right are: Sister Annmarie Sanders, I.H.M. with LCWR; Sister Mary Bendyna, O.P. with CMSWR; Sister Elizabeth Ann Guerrero, M.C.D.P. with Mexican American Catholic College; Sister Ellen Dauwer, S.C. with Religious Formation Conference; Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M. with A Nun's Life Ministry; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. with NRVC; Stephanie Hall with Communicators for Women Religious; Sister Jessie Beck, P.B.V.M. with Giving Voice; Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J. with CARA; Father John Pavlik, O.F.M. Cap. with CMSM; Brother Bill Boslett, O.S.F. with Religious Brothers Conference; and Sister Maria Hughes, A.S.C., facilitator.
Several collaborating national organizations were invited to provide professional insights and recommend questions for the new NRVC/CARA Study of Recent Trends in Newer Vocations to Religious Life. Representatives gathered at a convening in Buffalo prior to the start of the NRVC Convocation. The gathering was facilitated by Sr. Maria Hughes, ASC. At this convening, participants showed support for NRVC's forthcoming study of newer members.
These national organizations included representatives from:
Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
Communicators for Women Religious
I felt that it was a significant acknowledgement of the value of our roles as communicators that we were invited to have a seat at the table for these valuable discussions. We know the importance of communications in promoting the Gospel work of Catholic Sisters, religious life and in attracting vocations. Congrats to NRVC for its recognition of that. A lot has changed on the communications and technology front since the last survey was done. It is critically important that the communications function and its implications on religious life not be overlooked.
Many thanks to NRVC, CARA and the GHR Foundation for advancing this important piece of research that will surely benefit us all as we move into the future. I am grateful to have been part of this process and honored to have represented CWR and our members.
Stephanie Hall, CWR Board member
Read the article from the Communicators for Women Religious in their January newsletter that shows support for the study.
Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious
“It’s important to have update to date information about the people who are joining religious life today. The needs of our world are complex and ever-growing. New members are coming with increasingly diverse backgrounds and experiences to meet these needs. I believe this is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s crucial for communities to seek out and welcome this diversity as gift. It’s equally important for discerners and potential new members to know where their gifts and experiences are needed and will be welcomed. I strongly encourage all new members to complete the survey and to ask your community leadership to do the same.’
Sr. Jessi Beck, PBVM, Giving Voice Core Team
Read the article in their March 2019 newsletter here.
Leadership Conference for Women Religious
Mexican American Catholic College
“It was an honor to represent MACC at the Convening and Convocation. The mission of the Mexican American Catholic College is to empower and educate leaders for service in a culturally diverse church and society. Thus, it is an opportune moment for MACC to take part in this Convening and assist NRVC in this study which will identify the changes and indicators of
religious life in the 21 st century. We are called to recognize the sign of our times and respond in ways that help us navigate the contours of this changing reality.It is important to include the voices of diversity, a range of experiences, and cultures. I believe these will strengthen competencies and assist institutions in developing long-term plans to address the needs of their existing and new members. I hope the results of the study helps religious institutes who are intentionally responding to the opportunities and challenges of growing cultural and generational diversity in their communities.”
Sr. Elizabeth Ann Guerrero, MCDP, Faculty, Mexican American Catholic College
Read the article from the Mexican American Cultural Center in their newsletter that shows support for the study.
The Religious Brothers Conference was grateful to be part of the national convening in November. The Religious Brothers Conference has as one of its goals “to promote the Vocation of the Religious Brother.”
Being part of the conversation with other national organizations was a wonderful opportunity to promote the Vocation of Religious Brothers and to contribute to the study of Religious Life in the United States.
The Religious Brothers Conference hopes that this CARA survey will be helpful to all as we move into the future together.
Brother Bill Boslet, OSF, Executive Secretary, Religious Brothers Conference
Religious Formation Conference
We are pleased to support this new research effort by the National Religious Vocation Conference in conjunction with CARA.
RFC Facebook post 2.27.2019
Read the article on the website of the Religious Formation Conference encouraging leaders and newer members to complete the survery.
Every religious superior will be sent a two page questionairre in February. Newer members who entered between 2003 - 2018 will be sent a survey in April.
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