By Tag "hispanics"

21 results

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Digital edition and pdf

Digital edition and pdf

--- 2024 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Latino cultural patterns

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Must knows of Latino culture

Must knows of Latino culture

--- 2024 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Latino cultural patterns
--- Hispanics

[ Father Juan Molina ]   [ Deacon John Chitakure ]  

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Digital edition and pdf

Digital edition and pdf

--- 2024 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Latino cultural patterns

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Snapshot of Latinos in the United States

Snapshot of Latinos in the United States

--- 2024 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Latino cultural patterns
--- Hispanics

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25 ways to communicate your vocation message

25 ways to communicate your vocation message

--- 2013 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- 25 years in the vineyard of the Lord
--- Advertising & Media
--- Communications

[ Debbi Della Porta ]  

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Latino young people, family, and vocation

Latino young people, family, and vocation

--- Hispanics
--- 2022 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Young adult realities
--- Families

[ Sister Ana Cecilia Montalvo F.Sp.S. ]  

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Walking with jóvenes who are discerning their vocation

Walking with jóvenes who are discerning their vocation

--- 2020 HORIZON No. 3 Summer — Inviting diversity
--- Hispanics
--- Multicultural issues

[ Sister Ana Cecilia Montalvo F.Sp.S. ]  

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Study looks at vocation consideration; challenges among Hispanics

Study looks at vocation consideration; challenges among Hispanics

--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness
--- Hispanics
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation

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Latino diversity: complex but important to vocation ministry

Latino diversity: complex but important to vocation ministry

--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness
--- Hispanics
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation

[ Fr. Gary Riebe-Estrella S.V.D. ]  

Ordination class of 2014

Ordination class of 2014

--- June 2014 newsletter

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Get membership involved with a Vocation Summit

Get membership involved with a Vocation Summit

--- Membership
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

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The broad spectrum of young adult Catholics

The broad spectrum of young adult Catholics

--- 2004 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety issue
--- Emerging Adults
--- Young adults

[ Mary Anne Reese ]  

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Editor´s Note

Editor´s Note

--- 2004 HORIZON No. 3 -- Making the most of diversity

[ Carol Schuck Scheiber ]  

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Who are the emerging pastoral leaders?

Who are the emerging pastoral leaders?

--- Generations
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Vocation ministry at the crossroads
--- Generational differences
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Marti R. Jewell ]  

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A conversation with cultural diversity teachers

A conversation with cultural diversity teachers

--- 2004 HORIZON No. 3 -- Making the most of diversity
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

[ María Elena Gonzalez R.S.M. ]  

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Inviting people who are racially or culturally different into our communities

Inviting people who are racially or culturally different into our communities

--- 2004 HORIZON No. 3 -- Making the most of diversity
--- Multicultural issues
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

[ Clarence Williams C.PP.S. ]  

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Multicultural resources

Multicultural resources

--- 2004 HORIZON No. 3 -- Making the most of diversity
--- Multicultural issues
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

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Making a vocation journey with a Latino young adult

Making a vocation journey with a Latino young adult

--- Hispanics
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 1 -- Discernment as a way of life
--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- Multicultural issues

[ Fr. Robert Juarez ]  

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Annual article index

Annual article index

--- 2014 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Vocation to action & contemplation

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Outline of a successful vocation retreat for Hispanic young adults

Outline of a successful vocation retreat for Hispanic young adults

--- Hispanics
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness
--- Multicultural issues
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 3 -- Vocations and community life
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Clemente Barrón CP ]  

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Book notes: Book challenges us to racial justice

Book notes: Book challenges us to racial justice

--- Multicultural issues
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

[ Sr. Dawn M. Nothwehr O.S.F. ]  


Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

Learn more...

Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

Register today...


Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

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