2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
Not long ago, my husband and I spent a week at the bedside of his beloved mother, Mary, as she lay dying. It was a profoundly spiritual experience, this painful letting go, and every ragged breath in and out became a prayer. Jesus’ presence in the room was palpable. Death has a way of getting our attention and bringing us back to what is most important ... Read more...
Band of Sisters is a lovingly rendered documentary that tells the story of many American sisters over the last 50 years. For members of apostolic women’s communities, or for laity like myself who have warm friendships and work relationships with sisters, this movie is fascinating and revealing. Read more...
I love hearing the vocation stories of my elder sisters, in particular how they first tuned in to God’s call and discovered our community. In many stories, the sister first discovered an inkling of a call in prayer or service, which she then discussed with her pastor or a wise friend who gave her a brochure or suggested she visit the sisters. Other stories revolve around personal relationships with our sisters, either through family connections or our ministries. Read more...
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