About 75 results

The Jubilee Spirit

Paul’s path toward reconciliation By Sister Kathryn J.

--- Jubilee Year 2025

HORIZON, VISION win 14 awards

congratulates the editors, writers, and editorial board members for their achievements, which include:   HORIZON awards (general and professional and special interest magazine) Best essay, 1st place: “A

--- July 2014 newsletter

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Bibliographies on Vocations, Discernment, and Religious Life

Martin, James, SJ. My Life with the Saints. Loyola Press, 2007. McGlone, SJ, Gerard J. and Len Sperry. The Inner Life of Priests. Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2012. 

--- Research and Professional Studies

Meeting with Archbishop Sartain

Meeting with Archbishop Sartain On November 21, Sisters Chris Still, OSF; Judy Ryan, SNJM; and Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP (who is a member of the NRVC board) met with Archbishop J.

--- December 2013 newsletter

[ Sr. Jo-Anne Miller C.S.J.P. ]  

Study overview and links to key elements

Study overview and links to key elements   Download full study After a year and a half of research and study, I am pleased to present you with the final report on the state of religious vocations in

--- 2009 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life

[ Br. Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C. ]  

Be on top of legal issues

Be on top of legal issues Take the workshop on civil, canon, immigration law Father Daniel J. Ward, O.S.B and Mr.

--- May 2014 newsletter

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Index of 2000-2001 HORIZON

Index of 2000-2001 HORIZON Variety Issue — Fall 2000, Volume 26, Number 1 “Developing a culture of vocations,” by Bishop Robert J.

--- 2001 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety issue

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Bibliography of resources on generational issues in vocation ministry

Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. Celek, Tim, and Zander, Dieter. Inside the Soul of a New Generation.

--- 1999 HORIZON No. 3 -- How Gen X fits into religious life

Religious Formation Conference offers programs

Details for all of them can be found at rfc.org, or by calling 202-827-4562 Sisters in a previous ForMission program.

--- April 2015 newsletter

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2020 VISION now available!

--- 2019 Posts

[ Patrice J. Tuohy ]  

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Own Not, Copy Not: Deciphering Copyright Law in the Digital Age

It’s easier than ever to find and copy a photo, a logo, a piece of music or some text. And often it’s illegal.

--- Office Management

[ Peter J. Malcolm ]  

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Assessment with cross-cultural candidates

References Allen, J., and R.H. Dana, “Methodological issues in crosscultural and multicultural Rorschach research.” Journal of Personality Assessment, 82 (2004): 189-206. Batsis, T.

--- 2010 HORIZON No. 2 -- Psychological assessment of applicants
--- Admissions
--- Assessment
--- Assessment Tools
--- Multicultural issues
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

[ Fr. Gerard J. McGlone S.J. ]   [ Fernando A. Ortiz ]  

Eight communities get grants

The fund grew out of NRVC's 2012 "Study on Educational Debt and Vocations to Religious Life," which found that student debt has become a serious obstacle to accepting new members.

--- August 2015 newsletter

Board seeks nominations

Board seeks nominations To serve on board, to receive awards Enjoying a Mardi Gras moment between meeting sessions are board members Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C..J. and  Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.

--- March 2018 newsletter

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Behavioral Assessment Form

Behavioral Assessment Form 1. What is it?       2. When in the discernment process is the behavioral assessment appropriate?       3.

--- Assessment Tools

NFCRV accepting grant applications

Just a reminder: The National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV) is accepting 2017 applications from NRVC members for grant assistance for viable candidates with college debt until the deadline

--- February 2017 newsletter

Take advantage of regional events

It will include the following workshops: Sister Teresa Maya, C.C.V.I. presented a workshop on Hispanic candidates at the 2014 Convocation of NRVC.

--- February 2016 newsletter

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How universities can cultivate vocations

Universities with a strong Catholic culture are associated with sending higher than average numbers of graduates to the seminary. For years Father Vincent J.

--- 2016 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Mercy and vocations
--- Campus ministry
--- College Students

[ Fr. Vincent J. O’Malley C.M. ]  

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How a discernment house can enhance vocation ministry

I had already acknowledged this as a great idea and wondered how and where I might duplicate something like this program.

--- Houses of discernment
--- Houses of Discernment
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 4 -- Encouraging theological reflection | Practicing discernment
--- Discernment

[ Sr. Charlene Diorka SS, J ]  

Prayers for our benefactors

• Raymond J. from Oregon that the power of Christ be with us. • Rocco G. from New York for the family of Rocco and Teresa and friends and neighbors.

--- August 2017 newsletter

Happy Anniversary NRVC!

A year-long commemoration will take place, culminating at the Novem­­ber 6-10, 2014 convocation in Chicago. The convocation will take place at the Marriott Hotel at O’Hare, Chicago, IL.

--- November 2013 newsletter

Resource of the Month

This resource is great for presenting talks on discernment, and as a gift to teachers, catechists, Busy Persons Retreats personnel, and parish vocation committees. Written by Charles J.

--- February 2014 newsletter

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The Catholic Church and child sexual abuse

I know this for a fact because I have counseled some who admit the same. Nonetheless, it is dangerous to summarize from the particular to the general.

--- Sexuality & Sexual Misconduct
--- Sex abuse
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 4 -- Strategic planning for vocations / Responses to the sex abuse crisis

[ Fr. Stephen J. Rossetti ]  

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News from the vocation world

BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT I, presenter: Father Raymond Carey, Ph.D., July 16-18, 2012 (The workshop begins at 9 a.m. on Monday and ends at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday), DePaul Center, Chicago, IL.

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Vocations on campus

Please pray for our benefactors

• Barbara E. from Michigan as she opens up a pain clinic that she focus on what God is calling her to. • Tammie J. in Illinois that she be provided new career opportunities.

--- November 2017 newsletter

Prayer intentions of NRVC benefactors

Raymond J. in Oregon – that the power of Christ be with us. Rocco G. from New York – for the family of Rocco and Teresa and friends and neighbors.

--- Mission & benefactors

[ National Office ]  

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Vocation survey shows continued openness to religious life

Vocation survey shows continued openness to religious life Nearly 70 percent of Catholic religious communities have seen a jump in vocation inquiries in the past year, according to a survey conducted

--- Generations
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 3 -- Involving membership | Supervision | College outreach
--- Generational differences
--- Emerging Adults
--- Young adults

[ Patrice J. Tuohy ]  

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To access the electronic forms of HORIZON, a subscriber needs to log in using his or her e-mail address and password.

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Theology of vocation

Resource of the month

Resource of the month $1 sale--Spanish booklets Respuesta al amor de Dios (Responding to God's Love) Booklet, Spanish version This 12-page booklet is perfect for inquirers, new discerners, and those who

--- May 2016 newsletter

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Resources on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and in society at large

Alloy, Lauren B.; Jacobsen, Neil, and Acocella, Joan. Abnormal Psychology: Current Perspectives. Boston: McGraw-Hill College, 1999. Arnaldo, Carlos A. (editor).

--- Sexuality & Sexual Misconduct
--- Sex abuse
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 4 -- Strategic planning for vocations / Responses to the sex abuse crisis

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Where to find the Vocation Directors Manual and links to Member Websites on nrvc.net

Because this is a Members Only benefit, you will need to be logged in to access the manual.

--- 2019 Posts

[ Patrice J. Tuohy ]  

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Ministering to the Millennials

They are looking for a world and a church that is stable. Spirituality of the Millennial Generation According to a recent Gallup study, there is a surge in spirituality in the U.S.

--- 2002 HORIZON No. 2 -- The Millennials
--- Emerging Adults
--- Young adults

[ Robert J. McCarty ]  

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Psychological assessment: why, what and how to assess

A major task force of the American Psychological Association (APA) on the nature of psychological assessments (Meyer, GJ, et.al, 2001) defined a psychological assessment as a complex process in which a

--- 2010 HORIZON No. 2 -- Psychological assessment of applicants
--- Psychological Assessment and Mental Health
--- Admissions
--- Assessment

[ Ronald J. Karney ]  

2018 Developing Intercultural Competencies in Screening and Assessment, July 20-21

Schedule This workshop begins at 9 a.m. on Friday, July 20 and ends at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 21.  

--- 2018 Summer Institute

SONG: Wake the world with dawning joy

That is why the editors of VISION Vocation Guide and the National Religious Vocation Conference commissioned world-renowned composer Steven Warner to write a song in honor of the Year of Consecrated Life

--- Year of Consecrated Life

[ Music ]   [ lyrics by Steven C. Warner ]  

Pray for our benefactors

• Edward L. in Pennsylvania for his family, Pope Francis, and health.

--- July 2017 newsletter

Learn how family life impacts candidates

A principal objective of this workshop is to help vocation ministers formulate specific and appropriate questions, which, when answered, may inhibit or exclude candidacy.

--- April 2015 newsletter

Prayer intentions of NRVC benefactors

Raymond J. in Oregon – that the power of Christ be with us. Rocco G. from New York – for the family of Rocco and Teresa and friends and neighbors.

--- Mission and Benefactors

[ National Office ]  

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The challenges of crossing life’s bridges

I would like to reflect with you on four of these challenges. 1) Leave the past behind Recently, before going to Rome, I spent a few days in Ireland.

--- Multicultural issues
--- Emerging Adults
--- Young adults
--- 2001 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2000, Building bridges to young adults
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness

[ Bishop Richard J. Garcia ]  

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The new interest in religious life

Religious life enjoyed a media spotlight on new members during the winter of 2006-2007. TV and print media produced a flourish of features about young adults entering religious communities.

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 3 -- Trends and technology
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Patrice J. Tuohy ]  

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Religion during adversity: What it tells us about vocation candidates

“It’s him, I guess, that I want and that I want to follow. Yeah, the peace is great, the sobriety and healing that’s come to me, and I know I couldn’t have those without him.

--- Trauma and Its Impact upon Applicants
--- Assessment
--- 2001 HORIZON No. 3 -- Admissions

[ Joseph J. Guido OP ]  

2018 Assessment of Family of Origin Issues for Candidates, July 16-18

Schedule Please note this workshop begins at 9:00 a.m. on July 16 and ends at 4:30 p.m. on July 18.

--- 2018 Summer Institute

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Annual article index

: a reconciling presence, by Archbishop Joseph Tobin, CSSR, p. 6 Vocation ministers walk forward in faith to welcome new life, by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 16 Vocation ministers can follow St.

--- 2014 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Vocation to action & contemplation

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What every vocation minister should know about process addictions

Addiction has been viewed in a limited way for a long time, but in recent years there has been a shift within the treatment community and the general public to see addiction in a broader way.

--- 2010 HORIZON No. 3 -- Process addictions | New media | Vietnamese candidates
--- Health issues
--- Health Issues
--- Psychological Assessment and Mental Health

[ Christiana Ashabo ]  

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Index of 2002-2003 HORIZON

by Catherine Bertrand, SSND, p. 3 “Discerning a religious vocation: some reflections,” by William A.

--- 2003 HORIZON No. 1 -- The vow of obedience and vocations

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What happens with the assessment?

I found a common experience emerging that indicated a concern for the lack of written information available to formators about the women in the formation process.

--- 2010 HORIZON No. 2 -- Psychological assessment of applicants
--- Admissions
--- Assessment
--- Assessment Tools

[ Sr. Mercedes J. McCann R.S.M. ]  

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What you should know about candidates and pornography

Psychosexual history A key component in assessing a candidate for religious life is a detailed psychosexual history.

--- Sexuality
--- 2015 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Midlife vocations
--- Sexuality & Sexual Misconduct

[ Emily R. Cash Psy.D. ]  

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Recentering on the vows lived in community

Recentering on the vows lived in community Father Michael J. Himes claims he “hasn’t a clue” about what religious life will look like in the new millennium.

--- Community life
--- Communal Life
--- Vow of poverty
--- 2000 HORIZON No. 2 -- Religious life in the new millennium
--- Vow of obedience
--- Chastity

[ Fr. Michael J. Himes ]  

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Developing a culture of vocations

In the following article, Bishop Robert J. Carlson reflects upon what a “culture of vocations” would mean for our church.

--- Culture of vocations
--- Strategic Planning for Vocation Culture
--- 2000 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety issue

[ Bishop Robert J. Carlson ]  

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Why our students give church vocations careful thought

I have hope. My hope is based in experience, and I would like to share that experience with you.

--- 2005 HORIZON No. 4 -- Creating a vocation culture on campus
--- Campus ministry
--- College Students

[ Fr. Michael J. Sis ]