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2019 NRVC Workshop Information

Schedule & fees

NRVC folders and badges

General information

This year, NRVC is offering nine workshops intended for vocation ministers, formation teams, communicators, religious leadership, and others entrusted with the assessment of discerners and candidates. Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. 

These workshops are in line with the mission of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) to provide membership with educational opportunities, resources, and other supportive services that strengthen and enhance the practiced ministerial skills of those serving in vocation ministry. NRVC strongly suggests that vocation ministers participate in continuing educational opportunities not only to attend to their own vocation and faith formation and to further develop their professional competencies, but to keep up-to-date on trends, issues, skills, and best practices in the field of vocation ministry.  


2019 workshop schedule

Summer Institute at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL

Click here to register for Summer Institute   

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors,  July 9-13

Ethical Issues for Vocation and Formation Directors, July 15-16

Behavioral Assessment 1,  July 18-20

Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry,  July 18-20

Communication Skills to Promote Vocations,  July 22-24

Fall Institute at Marillac Center, Leavenworth, KS

Click here to register for Fall Institute  

Behavioral Assessment 2, October 8-9

Behavioral Assessment 1, October 11-13

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors, October 15-19

The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment, October 21-23

Workshop registration fees

Workshops are open to NRVC members at a discounted rate and for non-members at an affordable price. All NRVC workshops (which includes lunch) are consistently priced at $175 per day per NRVC member, regardless of the topic or speaker. Non-members pay $260 (an additional 50%) per person per day for each workshop. If you would like to become a member to receive the discounted rate, click here. Overnight accommodations are $115 per night for anyone in need of housing regardless of membership status. 

Late registration

Registrations for workshops received after the following dates will incur a $100 late fee per workshop:

Summer Institute:                     The late fee begins on June 23

Fall Institute:                              The late fee begins on September 22


Cancellations for workshops and/or accommodations must be received in writing to before the dates listed below receive a full refund, less a $100 processing fee per workshop. After the deadline, all fees are non-refundable for the cancellation of workshops and/or accommodations. 

Summer Institute:         The cancellation deadline is June 23.

Fall Institute:                  The cancellation deadline is September 22.

Financial assistance available

To assist NRVC members with their professional development, the Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available. Scholarship funds provide partial assistant for workshops only; they cannot be requested to cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. Funds, once approved are awarded at the completion of the workshop.  If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please email Sr. Debbie at for an application.

Workshop terms and conditions

Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.

Since this is my first try at vocation ministry, I loved everything! I loved the schedule because it was a good balance of sitting and breaks for moving.

Sr. Monica Seaton, O.S.U., from Maple Mount, KY

I thought Marillac Center was great. It’s perfect for our needs with a nice environment. 

Fr. Bill Murphy, S.J., from Chicago, IL

National Religious Vocation Conference announces new executive director

Sister Sharon Dillon, S.S.J.-T.O.S.F. begins full-time June 1, 2017

March 10, 2017


Sr. Sharon Dillon, S.S.J.-T.O.S.F.

Sister Sharon Dillon, S.S.J.-T.O.S.F.

Chicago –The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) is pleased to announce Sister Sharon Dillon,S.S.J-T.O.S.F. as its new executive director, effective June 1, 2017. Dillon succeeds Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. who became vicar general of his community last September after serving at NRVC for 14 years. 

Dillon, a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis, brings a wide array of experience to the position. She was vocation director for her community for 10 years and served as executive director for the Franciscan Federation for six years. In the past 25 years she also co-founded, directed, worked at, and served on the board of several nonprofits that specialize in providing hospitality and support for people with intellectual and medical/physical challenges. Dillon has a master’s in education, is certified in special education and physical education, and is a Franciscan spiritual director.

“I love my vocation,” says Dillon, “and I am thrilled to play a role in carrying on the trailblazing work of the NRVC. Religious life is experiencing a paradigm shift, and NRVC provides important leadership during this transitional period. I look forward to continuing the welcome NRVC offers to men and women from all forms of religious life and safeguarding the outstanding programming and resources that have been the hallmark of NRVC’s contribution to religious communities, the Catholic Church, and the common good.”

The NRVC Board conducted a national search with an extensive interview process by a committee consisting of Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J.; Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C.; Sister Josita Colbert, S.N.D.deN.; Sister Priscilla Moreno, R.S.M.; Father Ralph O’Donnell; Sister Mary Bendyna, O.P.; and Mr. Len Uhal.

“The board was impressed by the depth and breadth of Sister Sharon’s experience,” says Board Chair Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C. “We are confident that she will carry on the vision and legacy of inclusion and professional excellence passed on by our prior executive directors and effectively advance the mission of NRVC during her tenure.”


The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) was founded in 1988 as a professional organization of men and women committed to vocation awareness, invitation, and discernment to consecrated life as brothers, sisters, and priests. The NRVC provides its approximately 900 members, most of whom are vocation ministers for religious congregations, with continuing education, programming, and services for professional growth. NRVC also provides vocation-related resources to members, active discerners, parish ministers, and others in vocation ministry. 


First-ever International Vocation Conference in Rome, Feb. 23-27




Feb. 17, 2015



Patrice Tuohy
TrueQuest Communications

phone: 773-516-0699



First-ever International Vocation Conference in Rome, Feb. 23-27


Chicago -- In honor of the 2015 Year of Consecrated Life, the Chicago-based National Religious Vocation Conference is hosting an unprecedented gathering in Rome February 23-27 of select national vocation and religious leaders from the developed world. 


The goals of the gathering, being funded by a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, are to share vocation-related information, identify common needs and challenges, and explore future areas for worldwide collaboration in promoting vocations to consecrated life.


“The Year of Consecrated Life is the perfect opportunity to explore how Catholic vocation conferences can work together to promote and strengthen religious life on a global level,” says Holy Cross Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., Executive Director of the National Religious Vocation Conference and host of the international gathering.


The conference will be held at the lstituto Maria Santissima Bambina (on the Via Paolo VI, No. 21) located just outside of St. Peter's Square. Media welcome.


Sister Gemma Simmonds, C.J., director of the Religious Life Institute at Heythrop College in London, will facilitate the meetings and Father Gerard Whelan, S.J., Associate Professor at Pontifical Gregorian University, will serve as theological reflector.


Confirmed participants are:


Sister Viviana M. Ballarin, O.P., Vice-President of the Union of the European Conferences of Major Superiors, Brussels

Sister Nathalie BecquartXavière, Director, National Service for the Evangelization of Youth and for Vocations, Bishops’ Conference of France, Paris

Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., NRVC Executive Director, Chicago

Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M, NRVC Director of Member Relations and Services, Chicago

Father Anthony Cox, S.S.C, Executive Officer, Catholic Vocations Ministry Australia (CVMA), Essendon, Victoria, Australia

Sister Nanise Degei, S.D.N., Board Member, Religious Leadership Conference, South Pacific Islands, Fiji

Sister Gabrielle Farrell, O.L.A., Executive Board Member, Vocations Ireland, Dublin

Father David Kinnear Glenday, M.C.C.J., General Secretary, Union of Superiors General (USG), Rome

Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C., NRVC Executive Board Chair, New Orleans

Father Christopher Jamison, O.S.B., Director, National Office for Vocation, Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, London

Father Hank Lemoncelli, O.M.I., Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Vatican City

Sister Patricia Murray, I.B.V.M., General Secretary, International Union of Superiors General (UISG), Rome

Mr. Brad Myers, Senior Program Officer, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Agoura Hills, California, U.S.A.

Sister Lusiana Raratini, D.O.L.C., Delegate, Congregational Leaders Conference, Aotearoa-New Zealand (CLCANZ), Wellington

Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J., President, National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors, Toronto

Sister Katharina Kluitmann, O.S.F., Provincial Minister, board member of Religious Leadership Conference, committee member of German Bishops’ Conference for Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Laity, Münster, Germany


Conference schedule includes a formal welcome Monday, Feb. 23, at 17:30, reports from all participants on Tuesday, and theological reflection and collation of key points on Wednesday, and a meeting with representatives from the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life on Thursday at 10:00.



The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) was founded in 1988 as a professional organization of men and women committed to vocation awareness, invitation, and discernment to consecrated life as brothers, sisters, and priests. The NRVC has approximately 1,300 members, most of whom are vocation ministers for religious congregations. The NRVC serves its members by providing continuing education, resources, and services for professional growth.


The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation was created in 1944 by international business pioneer Conrad N. Hilton, who founded Hilton Hotels and left his fortune to help the world’s disadvantaged and vulnerable people. The Foundation currently conducts strategic initiatives in five priority areas: providing safe water, ending chronic homelessness, preventing substance abuse, caring for vulnerable children, and extending Conrad Hilton’s support for the work of Catholic Sisters. From its inception, the Foundation has awarded more than $1 billion in grants.


June 2014

Hilton Foundation awards $2 million to National Religious Vocation Conference

Funds distributed over three years

Read more


February 2012

High educational debt a growing threat to religious vocations

Study reveals candidates turned away because of student loans

Read more


April 2011

National Religious Vocation Conference awarded Hilton grant for debt study

Read more




2018 NRVC Convocation

Nov. 1-5, 2018, in Buffalo, NY

Convocation registration is now open!

REGISTER here for the 2018 convocation, Nov. 1-5, 2018 in Buffalo, NY





NRVC is seeking $100,000 in Convocation sponsorships for our gatherings and youth-infused events at the Adams Mark Hotel and Canisius College. We invite you to match your mission with ours by considering sponsorship at a level most suitable for your organization.  Click here to learn more.  Or complete a Sponsorship Reservation Form today!

Pre-convocation workshops

  • Finding your Digital Balance and Reducing Social Media Stress 
  • Screening Yellow and Red Flags in Candidate Assessment
  • Vocation Ministry and the Issues of Civil, Canon and Immigration Law
  • Vocation ROI: Grace or Grim

Learn more here.  

Keynote presenters

Each presenter will speak from their professional, lived, and educational experiences focused on the convocation theme: "Walk with me: Encounter, Accompaniment and Invitation." 

DePrinzioFather Kevin M. DePrinzio, O.S.A., Ph.D. is an Augustinian friar of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova. He holds a doctorate in spirituality from The Catholic University of America. His areas of interest include mysticism, spirituality, historical theology, the history of religious life, and the mendicant movement. His dissertation topic was "Teresa of Avila’s reading of Augustine’s Confessions." Since the fall of 2017, Father Kevin has been on the faculty of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University and is part of the vocation and initial formation teams of his province. He has previously served in campus ministry at Villa Nova, on the NRVC Board, and as Region 2 Coordinator (now Delaware Valley Member Area). He was featured in the NRVC video, Religious Life: Absolutely Millennial! Father Kevin will present on Friday on The Vocation Encounter: Ministry at the Beautiful Gate.


Fr. Thomas Guant S.J.Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J. is the Executive Director of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. Prior to CARA, he served in Jesuit governance as the Socius/Executive Secretary of the Jesuit Conference for nine years and the Formation and Studies Director of the Maryland and New York Jesuits for seven years. After ordination, he spent ten years as a pastor and as Director of Planning in the Diocese of Charlotte. Father Gaunt is actively involved with the L'Arche Communities in Washington, DC. Father Tom will present on Saturdaymorning, Pathways to Religious Life.

HernandezSister Xiomara Méndez Hernández, O.P. is an Adrian Dominican Sister, originally from the Dominican Republic. She ministers as a Hospital Chaplain at Loyola University Health System with special focus on cancer patients. Previously, she ministered at St. Rose Dominican Hospitals in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada. She has diverse ministerial experiences in the areas of preaching, catechesis, Spanish-English interpreter, liturgical dance, and a high fashion teacher. Sister Xiomara holds a Master’s degree in pastoral studies from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and is a Board Certified Chaplain with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC). Before she became a religious sister, she was a fashion designer in her native country. She currently lives in Chicago. Sister Xiomara will present on Sunday morning: The Invitation: Mutual Encounter - Mutual Accompaniment.

OspinoDr. Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D. is an associate professor of theology and religious education at Boston College, where he is also Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. He has written extensively on questions related to Hispanic ministry, Catholic education, evangelization, and catechesis. Dr. Ospino was the principal investigator for the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry and co-investigator for the National Survey of Catholic Schools Serving Hispanic Families. He is currently conducting a national study on Hispanic/Latino vocations. He is an officer of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, serves on the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Educational Association, and is a consultant for the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee against Racism. Dr. Ospino will present on Saturday on Called to Accompanying God’s People in a Time of Paradigm Changes.

PellegrinoSister Mary Pellegrino, C.S.J. is a Sister of St. Joseph of Baden, PA. In September 2018 she will complete 10 years of leadership ministry as her community’s Congregational Moderator. In addition, she will complete her term as past-president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in August 2018. Sister Mary holds an M.A. in Christian spirituality and a certificate in spiritual direction and retreat direction from Creighton University, an M.S. in religious education from Fordham University, and a B.A. in journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Prior to ministry in elected leadership, she served in parish youth and young adult ministry, campus ministry, vocation, and formation ministry. In 2004 she was the recipient of NRVC’s National Outstanding Recognition Award. Sister Mary will present on Sunday afternoon on Living No Longer for Ourselves:  Communion as Vocation.

TobinCardinal Joseph William Tobin, C.Ss.R. is the sixth Archbishop of Newark and was named to the College of Cardinals in 2016 by Pope Francis. Within the Redemptorist Community, he has served as Provincial Consultor, General Consultor, and Superior General in Rome. Pope Benedict XVI named Cardinal Tobin to the Roman Curia, where he served until 2012 as Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL) and titular Archbishop of Obba. He has been a member of the Canon Law Society since 1985. He serves as the Chairman on the USCCB Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations. Cardinal Tobin speaks English, Spanish, Italian, Frenchand Portuguese, and reads several other languages. He was a keynote presenter at the 2012 NRVC convocation. Cardinal Tobin will be the presider at our opening Mass on All Saints Day.

Nominations for awards

NRVC members and Member Areas may nominate NRVC members for outstanding recognition awards and the Mustard Seed Award. These awards are selected by the National Board at its August meeting from the nominations submitted. The awards are given at the convocation banquet. Nomination requirements and forms are available here for Outstanding Recognition and here for the Mustard Seed Award.

Convocation fees

NRVC member early registration rate: $595 includes lunch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and Sunday dinner banquet

Non-member early registration rate: $892 includes lunch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and Sunday dinner banquet


Pre-convocation workshop fees

NRVC member rate: $175 includes lunch on Thursday

Non-member rate: $265 includes lunch on Thursday


Commuter fee (only for those not staying at the hotel) $100

Rate after October 1: $100 more            

Cancellation fee: $100

Hotel Accommodations: $129 per night (without taxes).

There is no hotel shuttle, however the hotel is just 12 miles from the airport. Parking is $5 per night for hotel guests. Fitness Center and Internet in the bedrooms is complimentary.

Niagara Falls excursion

On Monday, November 5, 2018, you are invited to a bus trip to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. To participate in this OPTIONAL excursion, you will need your passport with you. The bus departs at the hotel at 9:00 a.m. for arrival at the Falls at 10:00 a.m. You will have time to explore until 2:00 p.m. to meet the bus which will take you back to the hotel at 3:00 p.m. Feel free to eat lunch at your own expense at area restaurants.

Price includes: Round trip transportation services, services of a fully licensed driver, and all gratuities, tolls, and parking fees. $35.00 per person (no refunds for inclement weather or personal decision not to attend).

2019 NCYC

Registration is now open

The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a biennial three-day experience to encounter Christ, experience Church, and be empowered for discipleship sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Ministry (NFCYM). Over 20,000 high school teens, parents, and youth ministers from around the country will gather November 21-23, 2019, around the theme Blessed, Broken, Given. NCYC takes place at the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

In collaboration with NFCYM, NRVC invites you to be part of this celebration of Catholic faith and to promote vocations to religious life. In order to broaden the invitation, NRVC is sponsoring a gathering space to meet participants and promote vocations to religious life called Inspiration Nook, near the thematic village. All NRVC member participants will receive a ribbon for their nametag giving them access to Inspiration Nook as their schedule allows throughout NCYC.

There are three ways to participate in NCYC:

1. Attend with high schools, parishes, and dioceses and register as an adult participant with these groups. As an NRVC member, you are welcome to volunteer at Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows. Typically, NCYC registration is $245 per person, however the group you attend with may have additional fees for meals, travel and accommodations. 

2. Register for an information exhibit booth in the thematic village to promote your religious congregation and volunteer at Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows. Registration is typically $750 for a 10 x 10 space and includes 4 exhibit credentials. Travel, meals, parking, and accommodations are not included, you must make these reservations on your own. Learn more and register here.  

3. Participate as a volunteer throughout the thematic village and in Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows. You may register as an individual or register with members of your religious institute; there is no minimum or maximum volunteers you can register. Before registering, please ask for t-shirt sizes as there will not be extra t-shirts available to exchange (for the stewardship of resources).  Travel, meals, parking, and accommodations are not included, you must make these reservations on your own. 

To register as a volunteer, click here and scroll down. At the volunteer registration site, click on 2019 NCYC Volunteers option (unless you are clergy, then select that option). Scroll all the way down to the Thematic Village choices: Africa, Asia, Australia, European, General Pool, Information Center, North America, Olympics Games, Pop and Squat. 

After making your selection (please volunteer for at least one shift daily), complete the contact information. If you want Sr. Br. or Fr. on your nametag, make sure you list it on your nametag preference. Under parish affiliation, write out the name of your religious institute. Under volunteer type, please select NRVC vocation team. Make sure you click the small box at the end agreeing to their terms or your registration will not be complete. Then, click "sign up to volunteer." 

If you need help to register, please call the NRVC office to walk through the steps. 

Please note that ALL ADULTS are required to register with the Archdiocese of Indianapolis to complete their online Safe Environment training program and background check authorization process. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. If you participated in previous NCYCs and you registered in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis's Safe and Sacred program, those credentials should be valid for the 2019 NCYC. You can register here at any time (including now). Your position is your vocation team and both your primary and secondary institution is: INDIANAPOLIS: NRVC Vocation Team—Location #705 After you create your account, it will take you to a new page to register for Safe Environment Training, which is a video. If you encounter difficulties, please call the Archdicoese at 1-800-382-9836 ext. 1594.

After you register for NCYC, please email names of participants, emails and the website of your religious institute. Additional information about NCYC is available at:

If you have any questions or concerns, email 

The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment Workshop

October 21-23, 2019

Click here to register now

“As the account of the Emmaus disciples shows us, accompanying requires availability to walk a stretch of road together, establishing a significant relationship” while the spirituality, patron saints, charism and cultural heritage of our own religious institutes, has shaped the way we invite inquirers into vocation discernment (Final Document of the Synod of Bishops, 92). Approaching the theme from their own expertise, each presenter will offer their professional insights and ministerial experiences to stir our collective imagination for implementing the core messages from the Synod on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment. The central focus of this workshop is for participants to magnify the message that “the mission of many consecrated men and women who take care of the lowliest on the world’s peripheries manifest concretely the dedication of an outward-looking Church” (Final Document of the Synod of Bishops, 88). 

The second day of this workshop will focus on culture and ethnicity in vocations to religious life. Currently CARA is researching the cultural and ethnic influences on discerning a vocation, and the changing cultural and ethnic mix of younger religious ministering in the United States.  CARA researchers Sr. Thu Do, LHC and Fr. Tom Gaunt, SJ will present the data collected thus far and engage the participants in a critical discussion and reflection on what does the data tell us, how does it fit our experiences, and what else might be needed?  This discussion and reflection will contribute to CARA's reporting on this research in the coming year.

Bring along a millennial, member/employee/associate of your religious institute and you’ll receive a $200 refund at the conclusion of the workshop for the additional participant.

Please note this workshop ends at NOON on October 23. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 3 nights, arrival on October 20 and check out on October 23. If you need an extra overnight after the workshop ends, please email

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker, facility fees and lunch. Residents are provided with a breakfast and supper buffet.

Commuter:        $437 – NRVC Member               $655 – Non-NRVC Member

Resident:           $782 – NRVC Member               $1,000 – Non-NRVC Member  


Late registration

Registrations received after September 21 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to before September 21 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After September 21, all fees are non refundable. 


Sister Thu T. Do, LHC, is a Sister of the Lovers of the Holy Cross-Hanoi, Vietnam and serves as a research associate at CARA. Sister Thu has a B.A. in Linguistics at Vietnam National University-Hanoi, Vietnam, a Master of Business Administration at Spring Hill College, a M.A. in Higher Education at Boston College, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education at Saint Louis University. Her dissertation research was on international religious sisters studying in the United States. Sister Thu’s interests are focused on trends in religious life, culture and ethnicity in religious vocation, and international sisters and their contributions in the United States. 


Father Tom Gaunt, S.J. is a Jesuit of the Maryland Province and serves as the executive director at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). He holds a M.Div. from Loyola University (Chicago), a M.P.A. and Ph.D. in City Planning from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Fr. Tom’s research interests are focused on the long-term impact of a year or more of volunteer service on individual volunteers; demographic changes and challenges for Religious Congregations; and community development efforts with disabled populations. He is currently an active board member of L'Arche Greater Washington, DC.


Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale serves as president of Ministry Training Source, a non-profit organization committed to the formation of ministry leaders by providing customized ministry formation solutions using the latest research and technology.  She holds a PhD in Human Resource Education and Workforce Development from Louisiana State University and a Masters degree in religious education from the University of St. Thomas in Houston. She is a regular presenter at LA Religious Education Congress, the National Conference for Catholic Youth Ministry, and the National Catholic Youth Conference.


Sister Mary Rowell, CSJ is a Sister of St. Joseph in Canada. Currently, she is the Vocation and Candidate Director for her Congregation and Board President of the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (Canada NAVFD). Alongside vocation and formation ministries, Sr. Mary teaches moral theology and eco-theology at the University of Toronto School of Theology and she ministers through retreat facilitation, spiritual direction and ecology initiatives at her Congregation’s ecology and retreat center in Cobourg, Ontario. Mary is originally from Cambridge in England. She holds a Masters in Medical Law and Ethics; and a doctorate degree in Theology.


Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors

October 15-19, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop is intended for new and recently appointed vocation directors. Its goal is to provide participants with the skills, context, theory, challenges and practicalities of contemporary vocation ministry. Topics will include foundational elements of vocation ministry; assessment of inquirers and discerners; application and admission process; vocation promotion, ethics and boundaries, resiliency and self-care of the vocation director.

Please note this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on October 19. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 6 nights, arrival on October 14 and check out on October 20.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker, facility fees and lunch. Residents are provided with a breakfast and supper buffet.

Commuter:        $875 – NRVC Member               $1,300 – Non-NRVC Member

Resident:           $1,565 – NRVC Member            $1,990 – Non-NRVC Member  


Late registration

Registrations received after September 21 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to before September 21 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After September 21, all fees are non refundable. 


Brother Jonathan Beebe, C.S.C. has served in vocation and formation ministry, and as a member of his provincial council. He is a licensed clinical social worker and previously worked as a psychotherapist. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Religion (Columbia University), a Master of Arts in Theological Studies (Maryknoll School of Theology), and a Master of Social Work (Florida State University). He was trained in spiritual and retreat direction at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre. He served as NRVC Region 2 Coordinator as well as the Southwest Member Area Coordinator. Br. Jonathan was on the design team for the NRVC Keys to the Future program.


Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M. began working for the NRVC in 2011 and presently serves as the Director of Member Relations and Services. A Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius, she served 10 years as vocation director for her community and is currently serving on her congregational leadership team. Sr. Debbie has previous ministerial experience in pastoral care, youth ministry, college campus ministry and immigration advocacy. She has presented on various topics in vocation ministry in Ireland and throughout the United States. Sr. Debbie holds a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Studies (Loyola University, Chicago).  

I am very new in this ministry, so now I understand better my role as vocation director. I found the ways to say “no” to discerner most helpful. I also appreciated the topic on professional boundaries. 

–Sr. Esperanza Jacobo-Acevedo, CSC from Nuevo León, Mexico

The content was really helpful. I truly appreciate the quality presentations and all the NRVC does for us. I found the examples of specific questions to ask discerners to decide if they are meant to be candidates for religious life to be most helpful. 

–Father Marvin Bearis, OFM Cap. from Bridgeport, CT

The program provides me with the confidence of understanding vocation ministry. It encouraged me to be more professional and ethical. I found the topics on canon law, interviewing skills and the application process to be most helpful. 

–Sr. Mary Margaret Phan, LHC from San Jose, CA 

This program surpasses my expectations; I received much more than I was expecting! There is a good balance of prayer, talking and presentations. It covers all the information that we as vocation directors are about to face. 

–Brother Ronnie Silva, CSC from Brazil

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

This workshop is also offered July 9-13, 2019

Behavioral Assessment 1 Workshop

October 11-13, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop presents practical interviewing techniques housed in a theoretical framework of behavioral assessment. While the focus of the workshop is on initial assessment of candidates, the methodology easily applies to assessing candidates in other stages of formation as well. Workshop participants study sample case reports and learn skills for interviewing as well as guidelines for organizing the information into useful reports. Interview topics include: family background, educational and occupational histories, psychosexual histories and intimacy skills, faith history, and other pertinent issues related to comprehensive vocation assessment.

Please note this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on October 13. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 4 nights, arrival on October 10 and check out on October 14.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker, facility fees and lunch. Residents are provided with a breakfast and supper buffet.

Commuter:        $525 – NRVC Member               $780 – Non-NRVC Member

Resident:           $985 – NRVC Member               $1,240 – Non-NRVC Member  


Late registration

Registrations received after September 21 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to before September 21 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After September 21, all fees are non refundable.  


Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels, and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Fr. Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. He is a past recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award for his work in service of vocation ministry.

This workshop gave me clarification and practice on how to move within the Behavioral Assessment which I saw as daunting prior to this workshop. It is an excellent way to get the knowledge and skills as one prepares for vocation ministry. 

–Fr. Mario Serrano, OFM Conv. from Terre Haute, IN

The content was helpful from beginning to end, there is no doubt my assessments will be more thorough. Thanks, Fr. Ray for your expertise, experience, and sense of humor! 

–Sr. Ann Letourneau, C.S.J., Psy.D. from Westchester, IL

I appreciated the content, the articles offered in the folder, and the competence of the presenter. I hope to have the possibility of sharing with others who are already doing behavioral assessments. 

–Sr. Cristina Giustozzi, SMSM from Italy

This workshop provided a greater awareness for admissions; it is applicable to pastoral ministry and insightful for ongoing personal formation. The resources on celibacy skills and assessing pedophilia are excellent. 

–Fr. Edward Vebelun, O.S.B. from Collegeville, MN

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register  now, click here

This workshop is also offered July 18-20, 2019.

Behavioral Assessment 2 Workshop

October 8-9, 2019

Click here to register now

This workshop builds upon the acquired skills of Behavioral Assessment I and is designed as a seminar. Because it is directed to those who have had experience in conducting assessment interviews, all participants must have taken Behavioral Assessment 1 in 2018 or earlier. Workshop participants are asked to come prepared with topics, discussion questions or case studies to consider during this workshop.

Please note that this workshop ends at 4:30 p.m. on October 9. Overnight accommodations are contracted for 3 nights with arrivals on October 7 and check out on October 10.

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipend, facilitie fees and lunch. Residents are provided with a breakfast and supper buffet.

Commuter:        $350 – NRVC Member               $520 – Non-NRVC Member

Resident:           $695 – NRVC Member               $865 – Non-NRVC Member        


Late registration

Registrations received after September 21 incur a $100 late fee. 


Cancellations for workshops and accommodations must be received in writing to before September 21 to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After September 21, all fees are non refundable. 


Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels, and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Fr. Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. He is a past recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award for his work in service of vocation ministry.

Father Ray’s experience, insights, and methodology are always superb and helpful. I learned from the questions/issues other people brought and the responses Fr. Ray provided during the workshop.

–Fr. Dominic Tran, S.D.B. from New Rochelle, NY

I would recommend others to undertake this workshop because this workshop empowers us in our ministry to assess candidates. Fr. Ray is an excellent presenter and he provides solid advice and professional input to various issues. 

–Sr. Maureen Brennan, C.S.J.P. from Nottingham, England

I would take Fr. Ray over and over again because his “little gems” that he throws in are what stays with me. His generosity and commitment are overwhelming! He lives what he preaches. His reverence and respect for the people he interviews and accompanies is so evident in the way he approaches the material and the advice he offers. 

–Sr. Celeste Mokrzycki, S.S.J. from Philadelphia. PA

Workshops are designed from the NRVC three-component curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. Please read the terms and conditions of all NRVC programs and events.

Register now, click here

This workshop is offered regularly at the Fall Institute

2019 Fall Institute

Registration is now open

Every other year, NRVC sponsors the Fall Institute (Convocation is held during even years). This year, NRVC will offer four workshops at the beautiful Marillac Center in Leavenworth, KS, October 8-23. All programs begin at 9 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. except for the Art of Accompaniment and Discernment which ends at noon on its final day.  The following courses will be offered this fall: 

Behavioral Assessment 2                                             October 8-9, 2019

Behavioral Assessment 1                                             October 11-13, 2019

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors     October 15-19, 2019

The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment           October 21-23, 2019

Click here to register for the Fall Institute

Helpful information

Fall Institute is held at the Marillac Center, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth and is located on their Mother House grounds. It is accessible from the Kansas City Airport (MCI). Participants can use the Super Shuttle from the airport or take advantage of free parking if you rent a car or drive to Leavenworth. Parking and lunch are included in your workshop registration for both residents and commuters. 

Please note the all participants in the Behavioral Assessment 2 workshop must have previously taken Behavioral Assessment 1 and have had at least 9 months experience before registering for this biennial course. 

Overnight accommodations

For the convenience of participants, affordable housing is contracted through Marillac Center. Enjoy the convenience of having a private bedroom and bathroom, along with linen service, wi-fi, breakfast and supper buffet. Limited rooms are available; make your overnight accommodations when you register for your workshop. Please do not call the Marillac Center for reservations as we are in a contract for blocked rooms.

If you need overnight accommodations at the Marillac Center, register as a resident (if you will drive to/from the workshops each day, register as a commuter). Reservations are contracted for arrivals after 3:00 p.m. the day before the workshop begins and check-out is at 9:00 a.m. the day after the workshop ends. This means you are responsible for the full payment of the room reservation, regardless of your arrival and departure date. Unfortunately, room reservations cannot be made for earlier arrivals or later departures. Please call us if you are traveling from overseas to check availability to accommodate your special needs. You can store your luggage at the Marillac Center lounge until you are ready to leave on the day of your departure. If you are staying for the next workshop, you will not need to check out. 

Please note that these accommodations are designed very simply for retreatants and short stays on a motherhouse campus at an affordable rate of $115 per night, per person. If you need more amenities, make your reservation at local hotels. The Hampton Inn, Days Inn, and Holiday Inn are all within driving distance from the Marillac Center. Therefore, if you are staying elsewhere and do not need overnight accommodations at the Marillac Center, register as a commuter.

Daily Liturgy

As per our custom, Mass is celebrated daily during all workshops. We rely on our ordained participants to preside and welcome all others to assist in liturgical leadership. All workshops begin with communal prayer and there is a Chapel located on campus for personal prayer. 

Late Registration

Registrations for workshops received after September 21 will incur a $100 late fee per workshop.


Cancellations for workshops and/or accommodations must be received in writing to before September 21 to receive a full refund, less a $100 processing fee per workshop. After the deadline, all fees are non-refundable for the cancellation of workshops and/or accommodations. 

Marillac Center was very comfortable, and the meals were good. The grounds were excellent for walking or relaxing. 

--Sr. Pat Dual, O.P. from Columbus, OH

The Marillac Center is a lovely, hospitable space. I was expecting small and basic; and was surprised by the abundance of space and luxury!

--Sr. Mary Kay Dobrovolny, R.S.M. from Omaha, NE

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We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
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NRVC Member Areas

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Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

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Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

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Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

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