Uptick in new entrants

Uptick in new entrants

Latest CARA studies released

NRVC member Sister Kimberly Kessler, C.S.R. was one of 208 people who professed final vows in 2017.

The latest studies of U.S. religious institutes show that the number of people entering them rose slightly to 524 (from 502 last year) and the number of people making final vows, 208, dipped by eight over last year. Overall, both figures are among the highest since 2011. In addition, entrants are spread out among 182 communities, defying the myth that only a handful of orders is attracting new members.

The latest data comes from two studies released in February by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at the request of the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops.  They are: New Sisters and Brothers Professing Perpetual Vows in Religious Life: The Profession Class of 2017 and Women and Men Entering Religious Life: The Entrance Class of 2017

The number of final professions has waxed and waned since CARA began the "Profession Class" reports in 2011, but the last two years have shown the largest numbers to date, with 216 people making final vows in 2016 and 208 in 2017.  

Other trends in age, ethnicity, qualities that attract people, etc. have held fairly steady with only slight changes from year to year.

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