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Irish study released; forum on international sisters, workshop, conference

Vocations Ireland releases research

Recently released research commissioned by Vocations Ireland points to both challenges and possibilities for spreading a vocation culture in Ireland. The study reviewed the current church climate in Ireland and surveyed in writing and in interviews vocation directors for religious orders and young religious. 

The study report noted, “The Irish Catholic Church has been shaken to the very core of its structure,” by sex abuse and clericalism. This has coincided with steep declines in the practice of Catholicism in Ireland and much-reduced numbers and visibility of religious. Furthermore, religious themselves point to weak leadership in their own institutes and the wider Irish church as a problem.

The opportunities uncovered by the study include:

  •  Spiritual hunger exists within the Irish people.
  •  Religious communities can meet that need with retreats, spiritual direction, online resources, and other forms of presenting their long-standing spiritual traditions.
  •  Youth ministry is needed and is something religious orders can offer.
  •  Vocation ministers who took part in the study remain hopeful and want to reach out to young people and “maintain the spiritual narrative” in Ireland.

The full study may be found here.

Forum on study of international sisters

The Mexican American Catholic College is hosting a "Forum of the First-ever Study of International Sisters" on its San Antonio campus January 20, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The co-authors of a recent study of international sisters living in the United States will give a presentation, followed by a discussion. They will discuss why sisters come to the United States, contributions they make, and challenges they face. They will conclude with recommendations based on an analysis of their survey and interview data. The study was conducted by Trinity Washington University and the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.

The event will be free and open to the public, with lunch provided and simultaneous translation available. Registration is required. Click here for bilingual information with full details.

Registration open for conference on intercultural competencies 

Join national experts in human formation and intercultural competency to address opportunities and challenges in evaluating and forming international priests and religious for ministry in the United States. "Intercultural Competencies for Human Formation" will be held April 15-18, 2018, at Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary in Indiana. The conference is co-sponsored by Saint Luke Institute and Saint Meinrad Archabbey. Learn more and register at or contact Beth Davis at or 502-632-2471.

Canadian vocation conference

The National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors in Canada invites U.S. vocation directors to attend its conference April 22-25, 2018 in Hamilton, Ontario. Find details here.

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