Sister Jane Mary Gawlik, C.S.S.F.

Sister Jane Mary Gawlik, C.S.S.F.


How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

For most of my life as a Felician sister. At first I was the local vocation contact in my ministry assignments. In 2007 I was asked to join the vocation office team in the Archdiocese of San Antonio as the associate vocation director. I was a member of the NRVC and also the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors. At the same time I've been on the new membership team for my community and have worked in this area up until the present.

What do you enjoy most in vocation ministry?

There are so many aspects to enjoy about vocation ministry. I love meeting new people and sharing my life as a religious woman. I enjoy the challenges of creating programs in the archdiocese and with my community that invite young people to serve in the church. I have also discovered that collaborating with religious communities here in San Antonio has been both fruitful and enriching. I have not only gotten to meet and work with people but to enjoy so many beautiful friends as a result.  

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful to you?

I love being a member of NRVC because I have met so many wonderful people at conferences. I work with a variety of communities in the San Antonio area who are members and the support and networking is really nice. I have been enriched with opportunities to join in or help with events sponsored by NRVC.

What has been your best vocation effort?

One of the best events that we have here in San Antonio is the Life Awareness Discernment Weekend. For 10 years now religious communities in the archdiocese have collaborated to put this weekend together.  We have tweaked and refined this program, and it has surfaced many men for the diocesan priesthood as well as many men and women for consecrated religious life.

Note: Sister Jane Mary Gawlik, C.S.S.F. will be completing her service for the Archdiocese of San Antonio this summer. She hopes to keep a hand in vocation ministry in her new assignment with the Felician Sisters in New Mexico.

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