Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.

Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.


How long have you been in vocation ministry?

Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.

Four years as director for my community.  

Are you part of a vocation team?

In 2012 we combined our vocations programs, and I became director for both provinces. Currently we have three members on the vocation team: Father Timothy Armbruster, C.P.P.S., Father Matt Link, C.P.P.S., and myself. We also have lay associates and members of the community who volunteer at vocation fairs. It is a wonderful team effort.

Has belonging to NRVC been helpful?

In my nursing career prior to joining my community, I relied on continuing education to help keep my skills updated. NRVC helps me be the best vocation minister I can be by providing continuing education and support. The collaboration with other vocation ministers is also important. I really feel part of a wide network of ministers who support one another. I am not sure I could do this ministry without the support of NRVC and its members

What has been your best outreach effort?

Being where young people are is probably the best way we have attracted people to our community. Vocation fairs are wonderful. Vocation talks are great for sharing information about our community and religious life. I really believe sharing life together with teenagers and young adults is probably the best outreach we have done. This has taken place through Catholics on Call, LifeTeen, college campus ministries, and high school youth ministries. We meet the people where they are, and we share our story about religious life with them.

Do you have any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?

Take at least one day off per week and turn off the electronic devices. I have not perfected the suppression of electronic devices yet, but I am trying. I have found that there are NO vocation "emergencies." Things can be handled tomorrow just as well. A healthy respect for our own need to be off for a day is important and vital to a healthy vocation minister.  

What do you find most rewarding about vocation ministry?

I am blessed to have the opportunity to share in someone's life journey. For a short period of time in someone's life, I get to help them understand how God might be calling them. It amazes me every day.  

See Father Vince’s website at cpps-preciousblood.org. Contact him at vincecpps@gmail.com.

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