March 2019 newsletter

March 2019 newsletter

NRVC represented at church gathering

Phil Loftus part of De Mazenod gathering

Phil Loftus, back row, third from left, was part of a recent conference that looked at pathways to renewal in the Catholic Church. Loftus is the NRVC director of development and executive director of National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations

Phil Loftus, NRVC director of development and executive director of National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations, was among 60 people invited to the 2019 De Mazenod Conference held by the Missionary Oblate Partnership at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas February 15-17. This year's theme was  “A Pathway of the Heart: Renewing the Catholic Church.” The gathering focused on the crisis facing the church and the role of all its members in renewing it. 

Participants represented professionals from diverse areas, including young Catholic students and leaders from Catholic organizations. Participants listened to the following speakers: Kerry Robinson, global ambassador, Leadership Roundtable; Julie Craven, communications consultant; Father Seamus Finn, O.M.I., chair, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility; Mary Gautier, editor, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate; Janine Geske, justice emeritus, Wisconsin Supreme Court; Father Dan Griffith, professor, St. Thomas University School of Law; and Father Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I., president, Oblate School of Theology.

Discussion followed each of the presentations. The outcome document on actual recommendations of what the church should do will be presented to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

NRVC part of LCWR "emergent planning process"

Conversations about responding to change

In December and January Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., director of member relations and services, took part in focus groups organized by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR).

The groups were part of the LCWR Emergent Planning Process—an effort to discern how women’s religious life can best respond to the current realities of the world and religious life today. Using videoconferencing, the design team met with various groupings of people across the country including: past presidents and executive directors of LCWR, directors of other organizations serving religious life, facilitators and consultants working with congregations of women religious, young women religious, religious of a variety of ethnicities and cultures, and members of the public from an array of fields, including healthcare, education, justice, and the media.

On February 18 and 19, the LCWR board, the design team, the LCWR staff, and 14 invited guests who lead many of the organizations serving religious life, participated in a charrette (a type of planning meeting) to review the input obtained from the focus groups with an eye to how religious life is changing. Sister Debbie represented NRVC at the charette as one of LCWR’s invited guests. 

Historic summit's impact still being assessed

Details of reforms to come

As this newsletter was being prepared the Catholic Church summit on the sexual abuse crisis was just ending. Thus the full outcomes of the summit are not yet clear, but it is clear that the church has taken unprecedented global steps toward resolving a crisis that has affected all pastoral workers, including vocation ministers. 

The impact of the summit on vocation ministry and youth and young adult ministry is something that NRVC and its journal HORIZON will continue to examine in the months ahead. We are united with our brothers and sisters around the world in prayer for healing and renewal.

National Catholic Sisters Week kicking off soon

March 8-14

Sisters and their supporters are gearing up to celebrate National Catholic Sisters Week March 8-14. 

Find events near you, ideas on ways to celebrate, and other details about this annual celebration in honor of women religious at

NRVC will be celebrating the week on March 11 with a free concert by Sara Thomsen and an open mic night to be held at Catholic Theological Union from 6-8 p.m. The festivities are co-sponsored by NRVC and the organizations listed on the poster to the left. 

In addition, Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., director of member relations and services, will be presenting at "Profundo Encuentro," a national discernment retreat for women, March 7-10 in San Antonio, Texas. Other NRVC members who are presenters at the retreat are: Sister Marichui Bringas, C.C.V.I., Father Richard Hall, O.M.I., Sister Priscilla Torres, O.P., Sister Chela Gonzalez, O.P., and Sister Ana Cecilia, F.Sp.S.

Sign up today for a summer workshop!

Two new workshops among the choices

Participants in an NRVC workshop.

You can now register to take part in one of five workshops taking place July 9-24 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, near the NRVC offices. 

New workshop: Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry 

Of particular note are two new workshops this year: "Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry" and "Communication skills to promote vocations." The "Due Diligence" workshop is for seasoned vocation ministers. It is meant to update participants on the trends, best practices, and challenges of contemporary vocation ministry. Topics include the demographics to consider when inviting discerners, specific candidate issues that delay or preclude admission, how to animate membership, and the latest research on newer members. 

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
July 9-13

Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry
July 15-16

Behavioral Assessment 1
July 18-20

Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry
(for those involved in vocation ministry for four years or more)
July 18-20

Communication Skills to Promote Vocations
July 22-24

Meet up with NRVC & RFC at L.A. Congress

Noon gathering for those at Congress

The NRVC and Religious Formation Conference are partnering at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, taking place March 22-24, to sponsor a meet and greet for their members on Saturday, March 23 at noon outside the exhibit hall. Join them for a group photo and a chance to meet your sisters and brothers in ministry. For more information, please contact Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. at

Member area news

Opportunities to network, learn, etc.

Following are forthcoming meetings of the member areas of NRVC. Find additional details at 

Next meeting: March 28, Lutherville, MD 

Delaware Valley
March, 8-10, Life Awareness Retreat 

Pacific Northwest
Next meeting: May 10-11

New England
"Everyone's called: making the culture of vocation real" by Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. May 4, Assumption College, Worcester, MA

Next meeting: May 29-30, Isle LaMotte, VT

Lake Erie/Ohio River
Next meeting: May 6-8, Sylvania, OH

Religious Brothers Day, May 1

Plan now for your commemoration

On May 1, NRVC will join the international church in celebrating Catholic brothers.

Prayer services and reflections for celebrating this day are available at

More information about brothers can be found here:

Plan now for November youth conference

NCYC advance info

NRVC members can promote vocations by exhibiting and volunteering at the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, November 21-23. 

NRVC will be coordinating the prayer and discernment spaces for members to meet more than 20,000 teens, parents, and youth ministers. More information will follow on

Resource of the month

Screening and Discernment Instrument for Religious Life

This 24-page booklet is meant to assist you with screening candidates and helping them discern religious life. It was written by NRVC member Sister Amy Hereford, C.S.J., J.D., J.C.D., who is also a member of the Canon Law Society.

This workbook provides sample screening forms and checklists that are helpful for those who assess candidates for application to religious life. In particular, this book contains sample forms for various legal and financial concerns that are typically a part of an application to a religious institute.

This affordable resource can also be used for updating a community's application forms. For details and to purchase, click here. Member price: $10. Non-member price: $15.

News from HORIZON advertisers

Opportunities for vocation ministers

Thank you, HORIZON advertisers

Institute of Religious Formation & Hesburgh Sabbatical 

The Institute of Religious Formation and Hesburgh Sabbatical Programs at Catholic Theological Union are currently accepting applications for the fall semester of both programs, which begin August 28. For more information, see 

Webinars available—free and discounted—at St. Luke's Institute

St. Luke Institute's SLIconnect is currently offering a number of webinars. Topics include understanding spiritual desolation, strategies for de-escalating conflict, preventing compassion fatigue, and more. Some seminars are free; most are $25.

Mexican American Catholic College

The following courses will be offered at MACC in San Antonio, Texas. More information is at

Intensive Pastoral Spanish
March 24 - April 18
April 23 - May 3

Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century
July 8-19


Dates to help you plan 2019 ministry

HORIZON and VISION earn awards ...
We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
Join us for any of the five workshops offered on-site at ...  More
NRVC Recognition Awards ...
As we look forward to gathering together at Convocation, NRVC members ...  More
Join us at Convocation! ...
This year’s keynote presentations, liturgies, and conversations are important for everyone ...  More
Annual Ordination Class Report ...
Read this report to learn more about men who will be ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate members of the NRVC in your Member Area.


Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

Learn more...

Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

Register today...


Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

Register today...

Renew your NRVC membership