December 2018 newsletter

December 2018 newsletter

NRVC to launch study in coming year

Collaborators show support for it

Representatives of nine national organizations recently gave input on the forthcoming NRVC study of new vocations. Left to right are: Sister Annmarie Sanders, I.H.M. with LCWR; Sister Mary Bendyna, O.P. with CMSWR; Sister Elizabeth Ann Guerrero, M.C.D.P. with Mexican American Catholic College; Sister Ellen Dauwer, S.C. with Religious Formation Conference; Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M. with A Nun's Life Ministry; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. with NRVC; Stephanie Hall with Communicators for Women Religious; Sister Jessie Beck, P.B.V.M. with Giving Voice; Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J. with CARA; Father John Pavlik, O.F.M. Cap. with CMSM; Brother Bill Boslett, O.S.F. with Religious Brothers Conference; and Sister Maria Hughes, A.S.C., facilitator. 

At a recent gathering of representatives from several national organizations that collaborate with the NRVC, participants showed support for NRVC's forthcoming study of newer members. Participants came together to give input on what questions to ask and how.

The study will get underway in early 2019 when the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate will mail surveys to every religious institute in the United States. One portion of the study will gather information from leaders about communal experiences and trends in new membership. The other portion will ask newer members to describe their own experiences and hopes for religious life.

The 2019 study will revisit many of the themes of NRVC's groundbreaking study released in 2009, adding on questions about current realities and concerns.

Further details about the study are at

Convocation follow-up links, videos, photos

Event gathers 300+ under theme of accompaniment

Congratulations to the staff of Youth in Theology and Ministry (YTM), who received NRVC's Mustard Seed Award; staffer Donelle Poling from YTM is in the center of the top left photo with those who nominated her, Sister Stephanie Spandl, SS.N.D. to her left and Gregory Darr to her right. NRVC also recognized two NRVC members with the Outstanding Member Recognition Award: Father Timothy Armbruster, C.P.P.S. received the award on behalf of  Joseph Nassal, C.P.P.S. (center photo with Michelle Horton, who nominated Nassal) and Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J. (right photo with Sister Donna Del Santo, S.S.J. to the left of Sister Mary).


The NRVC staff received the Harvest Award. Pictured here are Maureen Cetera, director of finance and human resources; Debbie Prieto, administrative assistant; Marge Argyelan, database administrator; and Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., director of member relations and services.

Over 300 vocation ministers and others invested in vocation ministry gathered in Buffalo, New York for the 30th anniversary convocation of NRVC under the theme "Walk with me: Encounter, Accompaniment, Invitation."  Follow up resources are now available:

• Videos of keynote addresses and the young adult panel event are available to NRVC members here.

• Photos of the event may be viewed or downloaded here.

Attendees are urged to complete their online evaluation of the convocation if they have not yet done so.

At the closing banquet, NRVC honored the following people for outstanding contributions to vocation ministry: The NRVC staff received the Harvest Award; Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J. and Father Joseph Nassal, C.P.P.S received Outstanding Member Recognition Awards; and Youth in Theology and Ministry received the Mustard Seed Award.

Founding members in attendance were also honored: Sisters Lucille Flores, S.S.M.; Suzanne Marie Kush, C.S.S.F.; Marie Francis Lomeo, R.G.S.; Juliana Miska, S.C.C.; Josefina Ramac, S.P.; Concetta DeFelice, O.S.F.; and Pat Dowling, C.B.S., as well as Brother Bill Boslett, O.S.F.

The Winter edition of HORIZON: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference will carry keynote addresses. Be sure to renew your membership in order to receive the Winter edition.

Bishops issue document on Asian & Pacific Island Catholics; also "Letter Against Racism"

Documents aid in intercultural understanding

Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D., far left, was part of this advisory board that assisted in the writing of "Encounting Christ in Harmony."

In recent weeks, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released two important  statements regarding intercultural issues:

Asians   Encountering Christ in Harmony: A Pastoral Response to Our Asian and Pacific Island Brothers and Sisters

Racism   Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love, A Pastoral Letter Against Racism

Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D., a member of the NRVC Board and executive committee, was on the committee that gave input to the group that wrote the letter on Asian and Pacific Island Catholics.

NRVC members invited to suggest candidates for executive director

By December 12

NRVC welcomes nominations from membership for the position of executive director. Members can access the online nomination form here.

NRVC strategic plan announced

New plan, vision, and mission online

At the early November convocation, the NRVC board shared the organization's new five-year strategic plan. Revised mission and vision statements were also shared with membership at the convocation. They may be found at these links:

Updated vision and mission statements

New strategic plan (members area of website)

Renew/sign up for 2019 NRVC membership and HORIZON subscriptions

Start or continue receiving the full benefits of membership in the new year


NRVC members received discounts to attend the recent convocation.

Renew or sign up for a 2019 membership or HORIZON subscription. (Note: members automatically receive one subscription with each membership.) Please direct any questions to Marge Argyelan at 773-595-4034 or

Resource of the month

"Discerning Your Vocation" by Sister Kathleen Bryant, R.S.C.

This month, consider purchasing "Discerning Your Vocation: Religious Life & Diocesan Priesthood," by Sister Kathleen Bryant. This 20-page booklet is written for people of all ages. It has been adapted with permission from the book Vocations Anonymous by NRVC member Sister Kathleen Bryant, R.S.C. The booklet explains prerequisites for admission to candidacy, suggests questions to ask vocation directors, and helps readers form questions about vowed communal life and diocesan priesthood.

It's an excellent resource to give to those already in discernment or who attend Busy Persons Retreats, Come and See experiences, the SEEK conference, or the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry.

Purchase "Discerning Your Vocation" for $3; $2 for members.

Mark your calendars for Summer Institute

July 9-24

Taking part in the 2018 Summer Institute are Sister Linda Van Bussel, R.S.M., from Sisters of Mercy of New Zealand, and Father Richard Goodin, O.F.M., Province of St. John the Baptist.

The NRVC will offer five workshops in Chicago July 9-24. The following courses will be offered, all of them on the campus of the Catholic Theological Union in the dynamic lakeside neighborhood of Hyde Park. Registration for Summer Institute will open in February.

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
July 9-13

Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry
July 15-16

Behavioral Assessment 1
July 18-20

Due Diligence in Vocation Ministry
(for those involved in vocation ministry for four years or more)
July 18-20

Communication Skills to Promote Vocations
July 22-24

News of our collaborators

Opportunities for ministers and discerners

Retreat for Hispanic women in discernment

Hispanic women ages 21-40 who are discerning a call to religious life are invited to a national vocation discernment retreat March 7-10 in the San Antonio Hilton Airport Hotel. It will be offered in English and Spanish. The cost is $30, which includes meals, lodging, and the retreat. For more information, contact Sister Marichui Bringas, C.C.V.I. at or visit

National Young Adult Leadership Forum

This two-day forum, designed for those who minister to young adults at all levels, will allow participants to dialogue with both national leaders integral to major events, as well as with young adult peers, applying insight to local efforts. Join the forum December 5-6 in Tampa, Florida. Find more information at

RFC "ForMission" class forming

The Religious Formation Conference is organizing the next ForMission class, which will begin May 30 and run until June 7, 2019 at Catholic Theological Union. Application materials and updated information are available. For details, to receive application materials, or to ask questions about the program, click here.


Important vocation ministry dates



World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2

National Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14

Religious Brothers Day

May 1

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 12

Summer Institute

July 9-24

Fall Institute

October 7-24

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 3-9

Sister Regina Hlavac, D.C.


Sister Regina Hlavac, D.C. is a vocation director for the Daughters of Charity and co-coordinator of the Mid-Atlantic member area of NRVC. 

How long have you been involved in vocation ministry? 

I am a “recycled” vocation director, so I have been involved in the ministry for about nine years total.

Tell us about your vocation team.

In my community, I am one of three vocation directors for the entire United States. I am responsible for approximately 14 states in the mid-Atlantic area and in states to the north and south, along with Montreal.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful?

Absolutely! I really enjoy the people of NRVC. They are awesome! I also like the programs, the articles in the newsletter, the classes that are offered, the meetings, the convention and just the great fun we have when we are together. The support is wonderful, especially from Sister Debbie.

What ideas have you used lately that excite you? 

We use a lot of social media in our ministry to be in touch with our discerners. However, I am really partial to direct contact and interaction with the women. Face-to-face works the best for me. We also conduct Zoom discerner meetings once a month, focusing on a general topic decided ahead of time. It gives discerners and us a chance to share for the hour. Of course, the basic “Come and See” retreats and “Search and Serve” have been fun times as well.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I  was the only “girl” baseball player who played on the “all boys” Little League baseball team when I was in elementary school. I love sports to this day.

My hobbies are playing the guitar and gardening; I am a “tree hugger.” I love our common home, Mother Earth, and will do much to help to protect her.

Please name one thing that inspires you as a sister.

I love when community members reach out to each other and discerners with compassion and respect. I also think having a sense of humor goes a long way. 

Reach Sister Regina at 

HORIZON and VISION earn awards ...
We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
Join us for any of the five workshops offered on-site at ...  More
NRVC Recognition Awards ...
As we look forward to gathering together at Convocation, NRVC members ...  More
Join us at Convocation! ...
This year’s keynote presentations, liturgies, and conversations are important for everyone ...  More
Annual Ordination Class Report ...
Read this report to learn more about men who will be ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate members of the NRVC in your Member Area.


Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

Learn more...

Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

Register today...


Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

Register today...

Renew your NRVC membership