May 2016 newsletter

May 2016 newsletter

"Vocation Culture" in women's communities

Committee working on tool

The committee developing a "Vocation Culture" tool met April 6. Pictured here are: (from left) Sister Rose Bernadette Mulligan, I.H.M.; Sister Pat Wittberg, S.C.; Sister Maria Hughes, A.S.C.; Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C.; Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.; Sister Mary Hughes, O.P.; and Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M.

On April 6 the committee that is developing a "Vocation Culture" tool for women  religious held its second meeting at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. This tool, titled "Vocation Culture: Reflection to Action," will consist of a series of topics and questions to assist women's congregations in strengthening their vocation culture. A similar process was developed for men religious. NRVC is grateful to the GHR Foundation for underwriting this project, which will be completed in the spring.

Orientation Program

July 13-17

Those who took part in the 2015 "Orientation Program for New Vocation Ministers."

If you know of anyone just starting out in vocation ministry, please urge them to take part in the NRVC "Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors" workshop, to be held July 13-17 in Chicago.

This workshop will be led by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. and Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., NRVC executive director and director of member relations and services respectively. It will cover:

  • theology of call
  • candidate issues
  • discernment
  • assessment and the application process
  • the roles of membership and religious leadership
  • advertising and education
  • ethics and boundaries
  • and self-care of the vocation director.

Register or learn more at

Moving on from vocation ministry?

Prepare for a good transition

NRVC database director  Marge Argyelan is happy to help departing NRVC members register an incoming member.

If you are moving on from full-time vocation ministry, NRVC thanks you for your service and encourages you to help the incoming vocation director to get connected.  Consider introducing the newcomer to your fellow vocation directors, getting him or her on the NRVC digital and postal mailing lists, and preparing other details for a smooth transition. 

Contact Marge Argyelan at NRVC to ensure that the new director is properly registered with NRVC: or 773-363-5454.

You may also wish to read and share these HORIZON articles about transitions in vocation ministry.

“Five steps to a smooth transition out of vocation ministry,” by Sister Anita Louise Lowe, p. 16,  Fall 2010

“Healthy transitions for new members, ministers and the community,” by Sister Mercedes McCann, p. 20, Fall 2010

And to update your VISION contact information, please be sure to contact Dianne Potter at

On behalf of all our members, we thank you for your efforts to build the Kingdom through this important ministry.

Convocation Oct. 27-31

Pre-convo workshops, registration opens May 3

NRVC's biennial convocation will take place October 27-31 in Overland Park, near Kansas City, Kansas. With a theme of "Awakened by the Spirit: Called to Discipleship," the convocation will include keynote addresses, workshops, exhibit booths, networking, liturgies and prayer time, and more.

For details and a link to registration, click here

Pre-convocation workshops are a great way to maximize your experience. These longer learning opportunities will take place on October 27 and will include the following.

• "Crafting authentic community," by Sister Ruth Anne Harkins, I.H.M.

• "Tips of the trade: How to market vocations for your religious institute," by Ms. Cynthia Krohn

• "Understanding and assessing behavioral addictions," by Father David Songy, O.F.M. Cap.

• "Vocation ministry and the issues of civil, canon, and immigration law," by Mrs. Donna Miller and Mr. Miguel Naranjo

What's happening in the regions

Four regions hold meetings this month

During May the following regions will hold meetings; any member is welcome to attend any region's event. For a full listing of regions, meetings, and minutes, click here.

All 14 regions are in the process of transfiguring into 12 member areas; therefore, elections for new member area coordinators are taking place this spring and summer. For more information on the new member areas, click here.

Region 2, May 17, Tarrytown, NY. Details here.

Region 4, May 3, Marriotsville, MD. "Welcoming Diversity into your Community" presented by: Sr. Gwynette Proctor, S.N.D.deN. Details here.

Region 11, May 25, 2016, Belmont, CA.

Region 12, May 20-21, 2016, Beaverton, OR. Presenter: Rhonda Gruenewald, author of Hundredfold, published by Vianney Publications. Joint event with RFC. Details and registration here.

Gratitude from Sister Debbie

For encouragement during illness

By Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M.

Over the past five months, I have experienced many prayers, kind words of encouragement, and patient understanding from many NRVC members and collaborators as I was being tested and treated for stage 1 cancer. The oncologist and surgical staff successfully removed the tumor so that I will not need any further treatment.

I deeply appreciate your concern and thoughtfulness while I continue to heal. I look forward to coming back soon to full-time ministry with NRVC. May we continue to keep one another in prayer, and together let us remember all those who are awaiting medical test results or have illnesses without a simple cure. Thank you.

Resource of the month

$1 sale--Spanish booklets

Respuesta al amor de Dios (Responding to God's Love) Booklet, Spanish version

This 12-page booklet is perfect for inquirers, new discerners, and those who seek basic information about discernment. Its easy-to-read style defines vocation, preconditions for discernment, and the discernment process. This resource is great for presenting talks on discernment and for giving to teachers, campus ministers, and parish vocation committees. Written by Charles J. Jackson, S.J., it is on sale now in Spanish for only $1 each for members and $1.50 for non-members.



Discernimiento con Otros (Discerning with Others) Spanish version

This 66-page booklet by Father Warren Sazama, S.J. is a classic, easy-to-read resource for inquirers who have met at least once with a vocation minister. It has 10 chapters, and it includes basic information on Ignatian principles for discernment. It also addresses the need for spiritual direction as a key for discernment. This 2006 resource is only available in Spanish. $1 for members; $1.50 for non-members.


NRVC collaborator events and resources

Job opening, conferences, assemblies, and more

Communicators for Women Religious hire first-ever executive director

The board of the Communicators for Women Religious has hired an executive director, Mr. Nicholas Schafer, who begins working at the organization's newly established Chicago office June 1. Funded by a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the organization will be located in the same building that houses the National Religious Vocation Conference, Religious Formation Conference, and Giving Voice (which represents young women religious). For details, see For details, see

CMSWR course for Spanish-speaking sisters; leadership forum for young women

The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR) will offer the summer course "Spouses of Christ, Daughters of the Church” (Esposas de Cristo, Hijas de la Iglesia) June 27-July 8 at the Pax Christi Retreat Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. Enrollment is open to any Spanish-speaking women religious serving in the United States.

For more information, see or e-mail

In addition, CMSWR is sponsoring "GIVEN: the Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum," June 7-12 at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

This event will bring together 300 rising leaders, selected by application, with religious and lay leaders for a full-scholarship, week-long immersion in faith formation, leadership skills training, and networking. Speakers will include: law professor Helen Alvaré, Catholic Relief Services President Dr. Carolyn Woo, and singer songwriter Audrey Assad.

Applications for a full scholarship are at This event is supported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.


Religious Brothers Conference Assembly

The Religious Brothers Conference will hold its 45th annual assembly July 23-26 at the Siena Center in Racine, Wisconsin. Brothers from all communities are welcome to attend. The theme will be "The Brother in the Year of Mercy," and the keynote speakers will be Sister Barbara Reid, O.P. and Brother Steve Bevans, S.V.D., both of whom are on the faculty of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. For more information, see


Catholics on Call extends application deadline for summer young adult event

The Catholics on Call Young Adult Conference will take place August 3-6 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Learn more about this event aimed at young adults considering a church vocation here.

The Partner Conference for Catholics on Call will take place September 15-16 and is open to religious institutes that are partners to the program. Learn about partnership and the September event here.


Holy Land Retreat, Biblical Studies Program at CTU

Catholic Theological Union in Chicago is sponsoring a Biblical Studies Program in August and October. Learn more at Click on "Programs & Centers," then "Biblical Study/Travel."


Upcoming events


Year of Mercy

Dec. 8, 2015-Nov. 20, 2016

Share the Sacred workshop

June 10-13

Summer Institute

July 13-23

World Youth Day 2016

July 25-31

NRVC Convocation 2016

Oct. 27-31

National Vocation Awareness Week

Nov. 6-12

Sister Charlene Herinckx, S.S.M.O.

What is your involvement in vocation ministry?

Right now I'm in my second term as superior general of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. I'm a lifetime member of NRVC. I've been the board director, a regional chair, and I worked on the staff for several years as coordinator of programs and projects.

How long have you been involved in vocations work?

I began in 1988 when I served in the Archdiocese of Portland’s vocation office part-time and as my community’s vocation director part-time. In 1995, I left vocation ministry temporarily. In 1999 I went to Chicago to serve in the NRVC office until 2005, at which time I was elected to serve on the leadership team of my community and as our vocation director.  

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful?

Yes, as a vocation director, NRVC has provided valuable workshops and resources as well as opportunities for networking and learning from other vocation directors. 

What has been your best vocation effort? 

While serving in the archdiocesan vocation office, we produced a poster titled “Men and Women in Formation in the Archdiocese of Portland.” It was a big surprise to many people to see how many there were, and I think it sent out a very positive message. 

Also, working with other women religious vocation directors, we sponsored monthly discernment gatherings as well as an annual retreat. It was a great opportunity for the women discerners to meet others who were also discerning, and it was a way of introducing them to the various religious communities. 

What do you find most rewarding about vocation ministry?

I have loved meeting with men and women who were seeking to find their mission in life. I have enjoyed visiting with them and asking “hard” questions to help them respond according to reality and not just their idealized vision of religious life. Also I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting other vocation directors. Their fervor and love of their communities and their vocations has always been inspirational to me. 

HORIZON and VISION earn awards ...
We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
Join us for any of the five workshops offered on-site at ...  More
NRVC Recognition Awards ...
As we look forward to gathering together at Convocation, NRVC members ...  More
Join us at Convocation! ...
This year’s keynote presentations, liturgies, and conversations are important for everyone ...  More
Annual Ordination Class Report ...
Read this report to learn more about men who will be ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate members of the NRVC in your Member Area.


Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

Learn more...

Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

Register today...


Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

Register today...

Renew your NRVC membership