October 2014 newsletter

October 2014 newsletter

Convocation countdown

Register today!

At the convocation composer Steven Warner, head of the Folk Choir at the University of Notre Dame, will lead the world premier of "Wake the World with Dawning Joy," the Year of Consecrated Life hymn.

The 25th Jubilee-Year NRVC Convocation will take place November 6-10. While every NRVC convocation has top speakers, workshops, and activities, because this year NRVC is celebrating its 25th anniversary, this gathering will be unique. Additional entertainment and festivities will top off a quality roster of presenters and activities.

Care for yourself: add a day

In addition to registering as soon as possible, NRVC staff encourage you to consider coming in a day early to be refreshed and prepared. Or stay an additional day to process and unwind. Use the extra time to also see a world-class city; downtown Chicago is easy to reach via a short walk to the el line from the hotel.

By adding one or two extra days, many people find they get more out of the experience. You can enjoy the deep discount on the hotel room for these additional days (only $115). To add a day or two, e-mail registrar@nixassoc.com or 314-645-1455.

Still debating whether to attend?  Benefits include:

  1. Networking. Our members say that the chance to mingle and share ideas and best practices with colleagues in this niche profession is one of the most enriching parts of a convocation.
  2. Professional development. The speakers and workshops are designed specifically for religious-order vocation personnel and those who support them. You won’t find these offerings anywhere else.  
  3. Refresh and renew. We know vocation directors have many pressures. NRVC’s convocation is an opportunity to recharge your batteries at a spiritual, social, and professional level.
  4. The 25th Jubilee features:

♦ The theme of “It is good that we are here: rise and have no fear”
♦ Guest host TV star Clarence Gilyard
♦ Nationally known jazz and church musicians
♦ Memorable music and prayer at liturgies
♦ Results of NRVC’s study on multiculturalism in religious life
♦ Keynoters: Sister Theresa Rickard, O.P.; Father Bernhard Eckersdorfer, O.S.B.; and Sister Colleen Mary Malone, O.P.
♦ Seven workshops (two per person)
♦ Click here to see 19 other features at the 2014 convocation.

"The Rule" on PBS

Features NRVC member Brother Patrick Winbush, O.S.B.

NRVC member Brother Patrick Winbush, O.S.B. and his community have been cooperating with filmmakers who have documented their successful inner-city school in Newark, N.J. in The Rule. The film details how the monks’ "recipe for success" follows the Rule of Saint Benedict and how this sixth-century rule can serve as a model for other schools.

Brother Patrick gives the introduction to the film. NRVC would like to note that Brother Patrick’s “world premiere” in filmmaking started with our own film “Absolutely Millennial!”

Check your local PBS station. Here are a some scheduled PBS appearances in October:

Wednesday, October 8, 9 p.m.--Charlotte, NC--UNC-MX
Thursday, October 30, 9 p.m.--Indianapolis, IN--WFYI 1

Synod of Bishops on the Family

Join universal church in prayer

Recognizing that the family is the building block of faith and the foundation of society, NRVC encourages its members to support the October 8 Synod on the Family taking place in Rome. Below is a prayer you might share with your community and with discerners.

Also watch for the next edition of HORIZON, mailing November 1, which will carry articles with family-related themes.

For further information about the synod, click here.

Prayer in support of the Family Synod

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
in you we contemplate
the splendor of true love,
to you we turn with trust.

Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that all families
may be places of communion and prayer,
authentic schools of the Gospel
and small domestic Churches.

Holy Family of Nazareth,
may families never again
experience violence, rejection and division:
may all who have been hurt or scandalized
find ready comfort and healing.

Holy Family of Nazareth,
may the approaching Synod of Bishops
make us once more mindful
of the sacredness and inviolability of the family,
and its beauty in God's plan.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
graciously hear our prayer.

(Adapted from a prayer composed by Pope Francis for the Family Synod)

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2014

National Vocation Awareness Week, to take place November 2-8, is an annual week-long celebration and promotion of vocations to consecrated life, priesthood, and the diaconate through prayer and education. Click here for resources from the U.S. bishops’ conference for your community’s commemoration.


Year of Consecrated Life

Creative plans are multiplying

The Year of Consecrated Life, designated by Pope Francis, begins November 30, the first Sunday of Advent. Around the world parishes, dioceses, and religious communities are forming plans for celebrating this year, which is aimed at: renewal of the life, thanksgiving for it, and invitation to join it.

Communities and dioceses are planning activities such as the following (which NRVC members recently shared with the HORIZON editor):

  • days of prayer
  • retreats
  • study of recent church documents on religious life
  • study of consecrated life materials produced by NRVC (such as HORIZON articles, materials from Moving Forward in Hope workshops, etc.)
  • community-sponsored street festivals
  • service projects
  • creation of YouTube and Vimeo videos
  • special YCL sections on community websites
  • handouts about the community to give every employee at sponsored ministries
  • Taize prayer day
  • adoration of the Blessed Sacrament


Nrvc.net has posted a YCL logo, a YCL hymn, and more.

This year's special YCL edition of VISION can be ordered at vocationnetwork.org.

The National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW) website has resources to assist in planning for the Year of Consecrated Life. It has prayers and intercessions for Advent and Christmas, and more will be added as the liturgical year advances. The site also offers ideas for parishes, schools, colleges, and religious communities.

Post your event on the NCSW website by clicking on “POST” in the second paragraph, and NCSW will share your news on all its Web platforms. Sisters are urged to schedule at least one event during National Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14, 2015.

Constitution, bylaws, regional coordinators

Regions look at possible change

Regional coordinators gathered recently, looking at proposed bylaw changes and providing member feedback to the NRVC staff.

NRVC regional coordinators gathered in Chicago for their annual meeting September 4-5. They heard updates from the NRVC staff and board, provided feedback to the staff from their regions, shared best practices, and responded to proposed revisions in the constitution and  bylaws of NRVC.  

Proposed change to constitution and bylaws

These proposed changes would allow the constitution and bylaws to better reflect the current reality of NRVC. The changes will be voted upon at the membership meeting on Sunday, November 9, 2014 at the NRVC convocation in Chicago. Regional  meetings will be held during the convocation on Friday afternoon, November 7.

Every member was sent an e-mail on September 22 with details of the changes. The proposed changes can be viewed at these two links:

Full constitution and bylaws, with changes highlighted.
Summary of proposed changes.

Thank you to all the regional coordinator for their voluntary commitment to engage members in one of 14 regions around the U.S. To see more about coordinators, click here.

October Resource of the Month

Banner for Year of Consecrated Life

Even vocation ministers like to take  selfies with this banner.


Celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life with NRVC by displaying this 78-by-33-inch banner. It's perfect for offices, parishes, campuses, schools, and other ministry sites. It comes with a carrying case and is easy to assemble. It's ideal for vocation fairs and presentations, as people enjoy taking photos next to the banner. $115 for members. $130 for non-members. Cost includes shipping and handling. Please note: This item takes three weeks for delivery. Order at nrvc.net, by emailing nrvc@nrvc.net, or by calling the office at 773-363-5454.

Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.


How long have you been in vocation ministry?

Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.

Four years as director for my community.  

Are you part of a vocation team?

In 2012 we combined our vocations programs, and I became director for both provinces. Currently we have three members on the vocation team: Father Timothy Armbruster, C.P.P.S., Father Matt Link, C.P.P.S., and myself. We also have lay associates and members of the community who volunteer at vocation fairs. It is a wonderful team effort.

Has belonging to NRVC been helpful?

In my nursing career prior to joining my community, I relied on continuing education to help keep my skills updated. NRVC helps me be the best vocation minister I can be by providing continuing education and support. The collaboration with other vocation ministers is also important. I really feel part of a wide network of ministers who support one another. I am not sure I could do this ministry without the support of NRVC and its members

What has been your best outreach effort?

Being where young people are is probably the best way we have attracted people to our community. Vocation fairs are wonderful. Vocation talks are great for sharing information about our community and religious life. I really believe sharing life together with teenagers and young adults is probably the best outreach we have done. This has taken place through Catholics on Call, LifeTeen, college campus ministries, and high school youth ministries. We meet the people where they are, and we share our story about religious life with them.

Do you have any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?

Take at least one day off per week and turn off the electronic devices. I have not perfected the suppression of electronic devices yet, but I am trying. I have found that there are NO vocation "emergencies." Things can be handled tomorrow just as well. A healthy respect for our own need to be off for a day is important and vital to a healthy vocation minister.  

What do you find most rewarding about vocation ministry?

I am blessed to have the opportunity to share in someone's life journey. For a short period of time in someone's life, I get to help them understand how God might be calling them. It amazes me every day.  

See Father Vince’s website at cpps-preciousblood.org. Contact him at vincecpps@gmail.com.

HORIZON and VISION earn awards ...
We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
Join us for any of the five workshops offered on-site at ...  More
NRVC Recognition Awards ...
As we look forward to gathering together at Convocation, NRVC members ...  More
Join us at Convocation! ...
This year’s keynote presentations, liturgies, and conversations are important for everyone ...  More
Annual Ordination Class Report ...
Read this report to learn more about men who will be ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

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Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

Learn more...

Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

Register today...


Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

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