July 2014 newsletter

July 2014 newsletter

Hilton grants NRVC $2 million

Funds will help build capacity and sustainability

By Br. Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C.

On behalf of the NRVC board, I am delighted to announce that the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation has awarded NRVC a $2 million dollar grant to continue to build our organization’s capacity and sustainability. This generous grant will provide NRVC with additional personnel, the ability to create an effective development program, resources for the Year of Consecrated Life, and other important vocation-promotion services over the next three years. 

NRVC will implement the following objectives over a three-year period:

1. Restructure and expand its administration: 

NRVC currently operates with a 25-year-old staffing structure that does not adequately meet the needs of our current expanded mission, programming, and services.  This grant will assist in underwriting the restructuring of the NRVC administration over the next five months. The following updated organizational structure was developed with the help of a professional management consultant firm:

Executive Director: 

The Executive Director will remain as the CEO of the organization, but the balance of the position’s focus will shift from internal to external operations. Upcoming projects that will receive particular attention will be a comprehensive development program for the NRVC and the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV). In addition, the Executive Director will continue international outreach for collaborative efforts in professional development and vocation promotion, relationships with significant partners, major donor initiatives, and sustainable organizational strategies.

Executive Assistant:

The Executive Assistant will serve as the conduit with all NRVC Directors to oversee daily administrative responsibilities of the NRVC office.  Primary responsibilities will include administrative and clerical support to the Executive Director and special projects.

Director of Member Relations and Services: 

This position, formerly Associate Director of Programming and Resources, includes developing and overseeing programming, resources, membership, and current member relations.

Director of Finance & Operations: 

This position will require the coordination of all financial and operational functions of the NRVC, including grant oversight, investment, contractual obligations, and bookkeeping and quarterly reporting.

Director of Development and Fundraising: 

Because of the integral link between the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations and NRVC, this position will be filled by the Director of the NFCRV. Responsibilities for NRVC include donor development and care, grant writing, special events, and marketing and promotional efforts.

IT Manager: 

The IT Manager will oversee all membership, donor, and subscription databases as well as online services.

Staff Assistant: 

The Staff Assistant will provide assistance to all Directors in the areas of reception and clerical help.

2. Develop a broad-based marketing campaign to support NRVC, its mission, and the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV): 

The purpose of this campaign is to mobilize the broadest-based audience possible to take an active part in NRVC’s mission through prayer and financial contributions. This campaign will include an investment in traditional direct-marketing methods to develop strategies for continued growth. Through traditional methods of testing, NRVC will lay the groundwork for identifying major donor prospects and creating planned giving leads for both the NRVC and the NFCRV. This campaign will be quarterly and begin in the fall of 2014.

3. Promote and provide resources at the national, diocesan, and parish level for the 2015 Year of Consecrated Life to commence in November 2014:

With the Year of Consecrated Life in the spotlight, NRVC and its VISION Vocation Network want to make the most of this unique educational opportunity by getting high-quality resources into the hands of dioceses and parishes. This will include a specially commissioned commemorative hymn, a resource packet to be mailed to every parish in the U.S., a media e-kit, a photo and video bank, a CARA Study to discerners, and a special expanded issue of the 2015 Vision Vocation Guide.


4. Partner with other “top tier” Catholic organizations in sponsoring the vocation program and venue at the English-language pavilion at World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, in 2016: 

Building on our success in Rio de Janeiro in 2013, NRVC and its VISION Vocation Network will partner with the Knights of Columbus, the USCCB, Canadian Salt and Light TV, Holy Cross Family Ministries, and other international organizations in sponsoring the vocation venue and program for World Youth Day 2016. Participation of NRVC members in this endeavor will be given first priority.


5. Conduct research through CARA to study the influence of parents and family in nurturing vocations to religious life and priesthood:

No study on the influence of parents and families on vocations has ever been done. This research will be timely as Pope Francis will convene a Synod on the Family in Rome in October of 2014. In addition Philadelphia will be the host city of the 8th World Meeting of Families to be held September 22-27, 2015. The three-party study will include a:

  • Survey of parents of religious and clergy
  • Survey of a random sampling of Catholic parents
  • Regional focus groups

6. Sponsor a convening of the directors of various international religious vocation organizations, particularly from English-speaking countries

(Canada, Ireland, England and Wales, Australia, and New Zealand) during the Year of Consecrated Life. The purpose of this facilitated meeting to be held in Rome in February 2015 will be:

  • to gain a sense of the larger vocation picture beyond their own country;
  • to identify common areas of convergence in vocation needs with suggested solutions;
  • to explore future areas for collaboration in the common mission of promoting membership to religious life.

7. Convene an exploratory panel of high-profile experts in media and communications to assist in defining the scope and sequence of a national communications strategy and office for religious vocations: 

This convening will engage the best of church communicators, journalists, and media specialists to develop a plan of communications that is inclusive of religious life in its entirety and complexity, while not falling into the same issues that trap an already divided and polarized church and religious life. The final result of this collaborative effort will be a communications plan that is hopeful, real, and focused on what unites religious.

8. Redesign the award-winning VISION Vocation Network multilingual website (VocationNetwork.org): 

This expansive redesign will provide a better visitor experience, including quicker response times, responsive design to accommodate any viewing device, and updated key features, including Vocation Match and Vocation Calendar.

9. Launch a new vocation program titled “Vocation Ambassadors."

This one-of-a-kind initiative will be offered as a pilot program with a desire to offer it annually as part of the regular NRVC programming. The purpose of the program is to provide lay Catholics with media training and communication skills to represent and promote religious life in their parishes and schools and among the general public.

On behalf of the NRVC board and membership, I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Board of Directors for their vision and generous investment in the future of religious life and for their confidence in NRVC and its leadership. In particular, I would like to thank Sister Rosemarie Nassif, S.S.N.D., director of the Hilton Foundation Sisters’ Initiative, and Brad Myers, domestic program officer at the Foundation, for their immeasurable encouragement and guidance.

Most of all, I want to thank NRVC members for their loyal support, especially during this transition year. Two years ago the NRVC made a bold proposal to increase membership dues dramatically to demonstrate to our partnering foundations that our members are equally invested in our mission and its future. Mindful of the financial sacrifices this would entail, the NRVC membership at the 2012 convocation voted nearly unanimously in favor of restructuring membership levels and fees. This vote of confidence was key to showing our benefactors that the NRVC mission is worthy of their investment.


Limited space at July workshops

Register NOW for Summer Institute

Summer Institute participants not only deepen their ministerial skills and knowledge, they enjoy networking, camaraderie, and the pleasures of Chicago in the summertime.

Limited space is still available for vocation ministers who want to strengthen and enhance their skills and knowledge at NRVC's Summer Institute, taking place July 8-22 in Chicago.  Prompt registration is encouraged for the following workshops, all of which will take place at De Paul University's downtown campus in Chicago.

Click on the workshop title for details and registration.


July  10-12, BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT I, by Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D.

July 14-18, ORIENTATION TO VOCATION MINISTRY, by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. and Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M.

July 19-22, PSYCHOSEXUAL INTEGRATION, by Sister Lynn Levo, C.S.J.


HORIZON, VISION win 14 awards

Honored by Catholic Press Association

HORIZON and VISION earned 14 awards in this year's Catholic Press Association awards competition, the results of which were released June 21. NRVC congratulates the editors, writers, and editorial board members for their achievements, which include:

HORIZON awards (general and professional and special interest magazine)

Best essay, 1st place:

“A loving gaze at religious life realities."
by Sister Susan Francois, C.S.J.P.


Best review, 2nd place:

"A book that makes Catholicism seem hip," by Father Radmar Jao, S.J.

Best feature article, 2nd place:

"Reach out, draw in," by Father Donald Senior, C.P.

General excellence, 3rd place:

Editor Carol Schuck Scheiber, Page Designer Patrice J. Tuohy

Best regular column, honorable mention:

"Feed Your Spirit" columns by Carol Schuck Scheiber, Father Conall O'Cuinn, S.J.,
Sister Melannie Svoboda, S.N.D.

Best redesign, honorable mention:

Patrice J. Tuohy and Carol Schuck Scheiber


VISION awards (general and religious order magazine)

Best photo story originating with a magazine or newsletter, 1st place:

"Silent preachers amid nature's song"


Best essay, 1st place:

“Chastity in real life,” by Father Matthew Kuczora, C.S.C.


Best feature, 1st place:

“There's no gap when it comes to these generations,” by Heidi Schlumpf


Best essay, 2nd place:

“5 signs religious life may be right for you,” by Sister Colleen Smith, A.S.C.J.


Best online content not published in print, 2nd place:

“Questions Catholics Ask,” by Alice Camille


Best electronic newsletter, 3rd place:

“VISION E-Vocation Newsletter: Call to Mind God's Call,” by Patrice J. Tuohy


Best coverage of vocations to priesthood, religious life or diaconate, 3rd place:

“Know thyself: A priest finds his way,” by Pat Morrison


Best essay, honorable mention:

“Our service is our prayer,” by Sister Pat Dowling, C.B.S.


Year of Consecrated Life logo

Free download; all encouraged to use it

Vocation ministers and their communities are invited to use a special Year of Consecrated Life logo developed by NRVC and VISION Vocation Guide.

With the theme of "Wake up the world!"—inspired by Pope Francis' call to action to men and women religious—the logo celebrates and promotes consecrated life. Consider using it on websites, blogs, print materials, etc.

Click here to download the logo.

The Year of Consecrated Life begins in November and will focus on:

  • renewal for men and women in consecrated life,
  • thanksgiving among the faithful for the service of sisters, brothers, priests, and nuns
  • invitation to young Catholics to consider a religious vocation

 Year of Consecrated Life events (tentative dates):

  • Nov. 29, 2014: Opening Prayer Vigil
  • Nov. 30, 2014: Opening Mass with Pope Francis
  • Jan. 22-24, 2015: Meeting of Catholic consecrated men and women and consecrated religious from other Christian traditions (to be held during the week of Christian unity)
  • Second week of April, 2015: Conference on religious formation around the world
  • Sept. 23-26, 2015: Event for young men and women in discernment and in the process of joining religious orders
  • Dec. 18-21, 2015: Separate meetings for members of monastic orders and of secular institutes of consecrated life
  • Jan. 28 - Feb. 1, 2016: Theological symposium on religious life
  • Feb. 2, 2016: Closing Mass with Pope Francis on World Day of Consecrated Life

In addition to the logo, VISION and NRVC are developing other free resources for the Year of Consecrated Life to be announced as they become available.


Papal nuncio to join NRVC Convocation

Archbishop Viganò to give welcome

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

A special welcome from U.S. papal nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò will be among the many extra features at the NRVC jubilee convocation in Chicago November 6-10.

Other features of the 25-year-anniversary convocation will be:

  • A gift to NRVC members: Their guests, such as leadership, communications personnel, or other key members of their congregations will pay the discounted, members-only rate. Contact Sister Debbie Borneman, SS.C.M to take advantage of this gift: debbiesscm@nrvc.net.
  • Celebrity guest host Clarence Gilyard will serve as emcee.
  • Fresh, outstanding keynote speakers will explore the theme: "It is good that we are here. Rise and have no fear." The keynoters are: Sister Colleen Mary Mallon, O.P., theology professor at Aquinas Institute of Theology; Father Bernhard Eckerstorfer, O.S.B., vocation and formation director at Kremsmünster Abbey, Austria; and Sister Theresa Rickard, O.P., president and executive director of RENEW International and former vocation director.
  • Workshops on topics such as media, discernment in male spirituality, art and beauty, reconfiguration, and peer supervision.
  • Outstanding liturgies and prayer time
  • Opportunities to socialize, network, relax, and celebrate with other vocation ministers.

For details and to register click here.


Order your VISION copies

Special edition for Year of Consecrated Life!

Order your copies of VISION 2015 today. This edition to be released August 1 includes extra features in honor of the Year of Consecrated Life, including a multilingual poster of the cover, a poster of a timeline of consecrated life through the ages, the results of a survey on consecrated life, and a specially commissioned song, "Wake the world with dawning joy," written by composer Steven Warner.

Order online or call (800) 942-2811.



Recommendations sought

For NRVC vocation ministry award

NRVC 2012 Recognition Award winners: Sisters Josita Colbert, S.N.D.deN. and Elyse Ramirez, O.P.

NRVC is encouraging members to submit by August 1 recommendations for the NRVC Recognition Award.

This award will be presented at the banquet of the NRVC convocation (November 9), as has been NRVC's tradition since 1990. The NRVC board will choose awardee(s) based on:

  • leadership in promoting a culture of vocations in the church and society,
  • collaboration with organizations that foster a culture of vocations,
  • initiative in developing vocation programming with a broad impact, and
  • innovative, creative approaches to vocation ministry.

Click here to download the recommendation form.


NRVC part of Vatican child-protection meetings

Through its advisory role with Praesidium

Taking part in the Vatican meetings about child protection were, from left: Father George Mulligan, C.S.C., Praesidium religious accreditation staff member; Father Walter Deye, S.J., Praesidium advisory board member; Richard Dangle, Ph.D., president and CEO of Praesidium; Father Elias Lorenzo, O.S.B., advisory board member; Brother Paul; and Christy Schiller, Ph.D., Praesidium director of religious accreditation.

In late May, NRVC Executive Director Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. joined a delegation from Praesidium, Inc. to meet with Vatican officials on the subject of child protection. As a result of Pope Francis’ recent establishment of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, Praesidium was invited by the Vatican to present its one-of-a-kind program to representatives of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and the Gregorian University Center for Child Protection.

Brother Paul, who has served on the Praesidium Advisory Board since its inception, presented the vocation and formation perspective in the discussions.

Praesidium, Inc., an accrediting agency in the field of child protection, was contracted by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) in 2002 to assist religious institutes in their compliance with national standards for child care and for the prevention of sexual abuse.


Brothers' Task Force meets

Continuing work to promote vocation

Members of the CMSM Brothers' Task Force at their June 16-17 meeting.

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) Brothers’ Task Force met at St. Mary’s Benedictine Abbey, Morristown, N.J., from June 16-17. This unique initiative, consisting of representatives from four collaborating organizations (CMSM, NRVC, Religious Formation Conference, and Religious Brothers Conference) was established by CMSM to highlight and promote the life and vocation of the religious brother within the church. 

Discussions primarily focused on the formation of religious brothers and ways to commemorate the Vatican’s anticipated letter on the vocation of the religious brother, which is expected to be released in the upcoming Year of Consecrated Life. Father John Pavlik, O.F.M. Cap., CMSM executive director, also shared with the group the results of the April CMSM executive committee meeting with Pope Francis. Representing NRVC on the Brothers' Task Force was Executive Director Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. and Brothers Jonathan Beebe, C.S.C. and Patrick Douglas, S.J.


How well do you navigate cultures?

November workshop on intercultural competence

Sister Teresa Maya, C.C.V.I.

If you deal with people from a variety of cultures in your vocation ministry, you can learn skills and strategies to be a more effective minister at NRVC's November 6 workshop in Chicago, "Building Intercultural Competence for Vocation Ministers."  

Sister Teresa Maya, C.C.V.I is the presenter at this pre-convocation workshop. It will look at what religious communities need to do to welcome people of diverse ethnic, cultural, and generational backgrounds. How can communities become authentically intercultural? What challenges do they face? What must they understand to meet these challenges? 

Click here for the convocation brochure, which contains details about this workshop on page 7.


Resource of the Month

Conversation cards

These colorful business-sized cards make ideal giveaways at youth and emerging adult events as a way to begin a discussion about religious vocations.

NRVC members used these cards frequently at both World Youth Day and NCYC as young people were entering sessions and workshops, inviting young people to pass the card along.

Designed to promote all religious vocations, these cards come in a pack of 100 with four messages: "You would make a good sister (or brother, priest, or nun)." The backs of the cards simply state "Imagine the possibilities" with a space to sign the cards. $5 per pack for members; $7.50 for non-members. 

Call or email the NRVC office to order: (773) 363-5454 or nrvc@nrvc.net.



Religious Brothers Conference

Gathering for annual assembly

The Religious Brothers Conference is holding its 43rd annual assembly July 18-21 in New Orleans. The theme is “Brotherhood: distinct and diverse.” The keynote speaker will be Brother Mark McVann, FSC, who teaches in the Theology and Religious Studies Department of St. Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. For more information, see todaysbrother.com.


Canadian vocation leader chosen

Vocation conference gets executive director

Sister Nancy Sullivan, C.S.J.

In June the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD-Canada) announced the appointment of Sister Nancy Sullivan, C.S.J. as its executive director.

NAVFD President Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J., writes: “Nancy brings great gifts of vision to us with experience in vocation ministry, ministry with those who are poor, global mission, administration, and fundraising. We look forward greatly to working together with her as we build a culture of vocation in Canada and in partnership with our friends and colleagues in vocation ministry across the globe." 

NRVC congratulates and welcomes Sister Nancy.

Sister Pat Twohill, O.P., Dominican Sister of Peace


How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

This is my 12th year in vocation ministry. I am also co-coordinator for Region 1 in New England.

Are you part of a vocation team? 

I have the joy of working with two other full-time vocation ministers, Sisters Pat Dual, O.P. and June Fitzgerald, O.P.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful?

NRVC has been a guiding light for me since I began this ministry back in the 1980s. I look to it for professional education, support, and practical ideas. I have always found the convocations wonderfully enriching; the publications educational and worthy of study with congregational members and leaders; and the regional meetings a great way to be resourced and to foster collaboration.

Programs such as "Moving Forward in Hope" and the NRVC-CARA studies have been very beneficial. I also enjoy working closely with the other members of Region 1.

What has been your best outreach effort?

There are multiple strands to the outreach I do, and I have found they all have a place and must be used together. Come and See retreats of all varieties—from a "twilight" experience on a Friday evening, to a full weekend—are popular and helpful. Mini-live-in experiences also help serious discerners get a taste of our communal life. Providing opportunities for discerners to give direct service is rewarding for them and provides a chance to catch the spirit of the community. A robust and up-to-date Web presence also is essential. That is one of the first places discerners go when they are researching possible communities.

Do you have any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?

I would say to a new vocation director: Immerse yourself in this ministry no matter how hard you find it at first. Any other ministry (teaching, lecturing, offering retreats in parishes, visiting the sick, the imprisoned, etc.) will be tempting and will most likely feel more satisfying than vocation promotion at first.

I have heard too many newly appointed vocation directors say, "I don't know what I am supposed to do. I don't know where to begin. They've got the wrong person!" If you are having a hard time figuring out what you are supposed to do in this new role, I would say: Find a mentor. [The NRVC workshop "Orientation for New Vocation Directors" is also a resource.]

HORIZON and VISION earn awards ...
We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
Join us for any of the five workshops offered on-site at ...  More
NRVC Recognition Awards ...
As we look forward to gathering together at Convocation, NRVC members ...  More
Join us at Convocation! ...
This year’s keynote presentations, liturgies, and conversations are important for everyone ...  More
Annual Ordination Class Report ...
Read this report to learn more about men who will be ...  More

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Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

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Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

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Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

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