April 2014 newsletter

April 2014 newsletter

Education debt handbook

Now available online

As part of its project to address the negative impact educational debt has on new membership, NRVC has produced a booklet with general guidance for religious communities. The 23-page booklet, A Handbook on Educational Debt and Vocations to Religious Life, includes chapters on:

  • Impact of college debt on vocations, citing the 2013 NRVC-CARA study of the topic
  • For leaders: principles for working with inquirers
  • For vocation ministers: working with discerners
  • Practical and legal considerations
  • Developing congregational policies regarding education debt
  • Information on federal student loan forgiveness programs

The handbook can be downloaded here.  This handbook has been made available thanks to the generosity of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.


25th anniversary gift to members

Convocation rate lowered for guests


NRVC members are welcome to invite guests who belong to or work for their religious institute to the November 6-10 Convocation at a member price. Guests of NRVC members could be those serving in leadership, formation, development, finance, and communications or those interested in learning more about vocation ministry or who are currently in initial formation. The NRVC member must call or e-mail Sister Debbie Borneman for the code to register their guests at the lower rate: (773) 363-5454 or debbiesscm@nrvc.net.


Celebrity guest host at Convocation

Clarence Gilyard at NRVC jubilee gathering

NRVC is pulling out all the stops for its 25th anniversary Convocation, to take place November 6-10 in Chicago, including having a celebrity guest host: Clarence Gilyard, actor, director, and author.

Gilyard, a committed Catholic, is best known for his starring TV roles in Matlock and Texas Ranger. His movie roles include Top Gun, Karate Kid II, and Die Hard. Gilyard currently is associate professor in the College of Fine Arts-Department of Theatre at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is a consultant to the Communications Committee of the U.S. bishop's conference, and is a member of the board of Holy Cross Family Ministries. 

The convocation will also feature:

  • Workshops by top experts
  • Celebration of 25 years of vocation ministry
  • Keynotes by fresh voices
  • Networking
  • Prayer and camaraderie

Details and registration information will be posted on nrvc.net and e-mailed to members this month.

NRVC Board meets

Reviews plans and progress

The NRVC Board met in West Palm Beach, FL March 24-27 to review the organization’s progress and plans. Some highlights:

  • Discussed a proposal from a professional management consulting firm for restructuring NRVC in light of changes and growth in the organization;
  • Looked at proposed constitution changes in light of restructuring. (Any changes would be presented for approval by members at this November’s Convocation.)
  • Received a financial report and approved this year’s budget;
  • Reviewed progress in setting up the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations;
  • Reviewed Convocation plans;
  • Discussed collaboration with other national organizations;
  • Received reports on VISION and HORIZON;
  • Discussed next steps for NRVC’s project on multicultural outreach and vocation ministry;
  • Discussed renewing and selecting board members.

Peoria religious unite for vocations

PEARL formed: Peoria Association for Religious Life

Acting on an idea that arose at a regional meeting of NRVC, vocation ministers and other religious in Central Illinois have formed the Peoria Association for Religious Life, or PEARL. Dedicated to spreading awareness of religious life, the group held its first meeting last September with the approval of Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC.

Thirteen communities of men and women belong to the group, which is working to produce two videos to introduce people to consecrated life. PEARL is also present on Facebook and has a blog.


NRVC at Nat'l Catholic Sisters Week

Staff and members join kickoff event

Taking a moment to smile together about National Catholic Sisters Week are: Sister Deborah Borneman, SSCM, associate director of NRVC;  Sister Rosemarie Nassif, SSND (back center) of the Hilton Foundation; Sister Mary Soher, OP (front center) co-executive director of the National Catholic Sisters Week;  and Sister Elsa Garcia, CDP, NRVC board member.

Representatives of NRVC joined 180 sisters and college women at the kickoff event held March 8-10 at St. Catherine University, Minneapolis, MN for National Catholic Sisters Week. The week was established to draw attention to the contributions of women religious. Learn more about it here or in this news report.


Vocation presence at LA Congress

NRVC members at LA Religious Ed Conference

NRVC members Brother Tom Wendorf, SM (on the NRVC board); Sister Nicole Trahan, FMI; and Dr. Nan Brenzel (also on the NRVC board) were among the NRVC vocation directors exhibiting at this year's Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.

A number of NRVC members exhibited at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress March 13-16, allowing them to be a vocation presence to more than 35,000 participants. This year, the congress began with a Youth Day attended by approximately 15,000 high schoolers.

Information about the 2015 congress is at recongress.org.


Brother Paul addresses Canadians

Gives keynote to national vocation association

NRVC Executive Director Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC was one of the keynote speakers at the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD) held in Toronto, Ontario, from March 9-12.  His talk, “Moving Forward in Hope: A Moment of Grace and Opportunity,” reviewed learnings from the 2010 “Moving Forward in Hope” vocation symposium and the many new initiatives by NRVC since that landmark gathering.  Brother Paul was also invited to meet with the NAVFD board while there.

More than 100 vocation and formation directors across Canada gathered under the theme “Promises, Prophecy, and Hope.” Additional keynote speakers included Sister Barbara Reid, OP and Father Francis Morissey, OMI. 

“NRVC currently has 28 members north of the border,” remarked Brother Paul, “and we continue to be grateful for their close collaboration and support.”


Are you prepared for sexuality issues?

Psycho-sexual workshop this summer can help

Sister Lynn Levo, CSJ will lead this workshop.

NRVC is offering the workshop "Psycho-sexual integration" by Sister Lynn Levo, CSJ July 19-22 as part of its Summer Institute series in Chicago.

The workshop provides an understanding of psychological well-being and psychosexual development so that vocation ministers may adequately assess a candidate’s ability to lead a passionate, healthy, and integrated life. The workshop will explore:

  • well-being
  • integrated understanding of sexuality
  • centrality of relationships and intimacy
  • necessity of personal boundaries
  • impact of one’s past, especially physical, emotional, and sexual abuse on one’s ability to relate
  • emotional awareness and integration
  • living a healthy sexual and celibate life
  • impact of social media on personal development.

"The workshop had very rich content, and the availability of the resources was very good. Lynn Levo's presentation was the best. I have so much to share with my congregation as well as my peers in ministry!" wrote Sister Eileen Spanier, GNSH about a previous workshop Sister Lynn presented.

Additional details and a link to register can be found here.


Brothers invited to RBC assembly

Religious Brothers Conference assembles in July

The Religious Brothers Conference invites brothers who serve as vocation ministers to attend its 43rd annual assembly, to be held July 18-21 in New Orleans. The theme will be “Brotherhood: distinct and diverse.” The keynote speaker will be Brother Mark McVann, FSC, who teaches in the Theology and Religious Studies Department of St. Mary’s College in Moraga, CA. For more information, see todaysbrother.com.


RFC offers programs

Anniversary event series; orientation program

In celebration of its 60th anniversary, the Religious Formation Conference (RFC) is offering a series of two-day gatherings in different locations entitled "From Center to Periphery: Relocating the Prophetic Witness of Religious Life."  The events will feature keynote addresses by theology professor Richard Gaillardetz and Sister Carol Jean Willie, SC, NGO representative to the United Nations.


September 19-20 Chicago
September 26-27 Renton (Seattle), WA
October 10-11 Atchison, KS
October 17-18 San Antonio, TX

Go to relforcon.org for details; or call (202) 827-4564.


LCWR publishes book

10 presidential addresses to community leaders

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious has published a collection of 10 presidential addresses delivered at annual conferences between 1977 and 2012 in Spiritual Leadership for Challenging Times (Orbis, 2014). Themes include war, ecology, women's issues, terrorism, human trafficking, and more. For more information or to order, see orbis.org.








Catholics on Call summer conference

Young people invited to apply

Participants in a Catholics on Call Young Adult Conference enjoy some downtime in Chicago. The friendships forged at the conference are an important vocation support.

Catholics on Call invites young people, ages 18-30, who are considering a life of service in the church to attend in August its 2014 Young Adult Conference. Participants will have the opportunity to connect and pray with other like-minded young adults, to hear nationally known speakers, discuss how to listen to God’s call, and to learn valuable skills that will help them to discern their vocation, whether it be to priesthood, religious life, or lay ecclesial ministry.

The conference will take place August 5-9 at Catholic Theological Union in  Chicago. Registration is $100 and includes room and board. For an application, go to www.catholicsoncall.org, or for more information, contact Birgit Oberhofer at catholicsoncall@ctu.edu or (773) 371-5431.


Resource of the Month

"Ten Questions Inquirers Ask" brochure

This colorful, tri-fold brochure is an ideal resource to send to ministry sites, parishes, and membership. The brochure is a companion to the "Ten Questions Parents Ask" brochure, and it contains 10 new, relevant questions. Sold in packs of 25: $10 for members. $15 for non-members. Order them here.

Sister Priscilla Moreno, R.S.M., South Central


How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?  
This is my second round. I did this ministry from 1999 to 2004. Then I was involved part-time for two years before being invited to full-time vocation ministry again in 2011.

Are you part of a vocation team?  
Yes, I am a part of the Sisters of Mercy South Central New Membership Team. We currently have four incorporation ministers and six vocation ministers. We span a broad area of 18 states, the U.S. Territory of Guam, and the nation of Jamaica. Our headquarters are in Belmont, NC. I myself am responsible for Missouri, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Northern Mississippi, and Southern Florida. I visit universities and high schools, am involved in retreats, organize vocation activities, attend vocation minister meetings, and do some spiritual direction.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful to you?
The workshops NRVC offers have better prepared me for the ministry. NRVC has also provided opportunities for collaboration with other vocation ministers.  

What has been your best outreach effort?
I have had the opportunity to meet young woman interested in religious life during Busy Student Retreats, high school visits, and work with our sisters who help promote vocations in the various areas of our South Central Community.

Do you have any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?
The best wisdom I can offer to a new vocation minister is to go gently because things happen when they happen.  The best thing to do is to be present to the present moment.


HORIZON and VISION earn awards ...
We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
Join us for any of the five workshops offered on-site at ...  More
NRVC Recognition Awards ...
As we look forward to gathering together at Convocation, NRVC members ...  More
Join us at Convocation! ...
This year’s keynote presentations, liturgies, and conversations are important for everyone ...  More
Annual Ordination Class Report ...
Read this report to learn more about men who will be ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

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Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

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Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

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Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

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