August 2019 newsletter

August 2019 newsletter

VISION 2020 rolling out this month

Order copies of the guide, bookmarks, and posters today—if you haven't already

NRVC's premier resource for discerners, VISION Vocation Guide, is mailing its 2020 print edition this month, and the online edition will appear in early August.

If you haven't already, be sure to order your copies of the guide, bookmarks, and posters at

Also remember that any religious community can list its public events for free on VISION's calendar. Using the calendar is a great way to connect with the 300,000+ prospective discerners who use the VISION site each year.

Study of new members progresses to focus groups

Participation is strong

NRVC's 2020 study on recent vocations to religious life has enjoyed strong participation and is now progressing to the next phase: holding focus groups in 16 areas of the country.

More than 750 newer religious expressed willingness to take part in focus groups. They will be held in the coming months in Minnesota, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Texas, and Missouri.

Meanwhile, participation in the study has been strong: 67 percent of major superiors have participated, and 57 percent of newer members have taken part.

With grant funding from the GHR Foundation, the study is being conducted for NRVC by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. 

Summer Institute earns praise

160 people take part

Top left: Discussion, role play, and hands-on learning are a big part of NRVC's workshops.

Top right: Participants appreciate networking with other vocation ministers. 

Bottom left: Each of these new vocation ministers completed four workshops at Summer Institute.

Bottom right: Praying together is an important dimension of Summer Institute.


NRVC's Summer Institute, held July 9-24, received consistently strong evaluations from its 160 participants. 

"Each presenter was inspiring, motivating, and engaging, especially regarding the challenges we face. This workshop has allowed me to see the graces and blessings in this ministry,"  remarked Father Carl Philadelphia of the Diocese of Georgetown, Guyana.

They took part in one or more of five workshops, ranging from orientation to communications. NRVC extends deep gratitude to Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., director of member relations and services, for coordinating and leading the Summer Institute. Many thanks also go the NRVC staff for assisting with hospitality and liturgies and to the outstanding presenters:

  • Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D.
  • Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.
  • Brother Chris Patiño, F.S.C.
  • Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M.
  • Sister Mary Beth Bromer, C.S.S.F.
  • Sister Judith A. Smith, R.S.M.
  • Sister Ann David Strohminger, O.S.F. 
  • Mr. Len Uhal
  • Mr. Alex Cranstoun 
  • Father Frank Donio, S.A.C.
  • Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C.
  • Ms. Siobhán O’Neill Meluso
  • Ms. Carol Schuck Scheiber 

New workshop on accompaniment offered in October

The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment

The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment—a new workshop—will be offered October 21-23 at the NRVC Fall Institute in Leavenworth, Kansas.

This workshop offers vocation directors insights on how to accompany young people as they consider their calling to whatever way of life is theirs. This ministry need was a major message of the 2018 synod on young people, faith, and vocational discernment.

Four professionals will reflect on their experiences and insights on the topic. The second day of the workshop will focus on cultural and ethnic influences on vocation discernment.

The following people will be presenters:

Sister Thu T. Do, L.H.C. is a research associate at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate who has conducted research on international sisters.

Father Tom Gaunt, S.J. is executive director at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate and has been involved in several studies related to religious life and vocations.

Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale is president of Ministry Training Source, which aids with formation of ministry leaders.  

Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J. is vocation and candidate director for her congregation and board president of the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (in Canada).

Learn more or register today.

Logo chosen for 2020 convocation

Summer Institute participants vote

This article was updated July 15, 2020.

Please not that the 2020 Convocation will NOT be in Spokane, WA. It is now a Virtual Convocation with schedule, speakers, and fees to be determined by September 2020. 

NRVC staff and contract staff show off the winning logo design for the convocation to be held in 2020 in Spokane, Washington. From left: Marge Argyelan, database administrator; Carol Schuck Scheiber, publications editor; Maureen Cetera, director of finance and human resources; Phil Loftus, director of development; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., director of member relations and services; and Patrice Tuohy, CEO of TrueQuest Communications, which oversees NRVC communications.

Participants in NRVC's Summer Institute voted for their favorite of three possible logos for the 2020 Convocation, to be held in Spokane, Washington October 30 to November 2. The gathering will have a theme of "2020 Vision: Focus on Hope." Patrice Tuohy, CEO of TrueQuest Communications, developed the logos.


Resource of the month

Hearing God's Call: 30 Days of Vocation Discernment

This 63-page booklet is an affordable resource for seekers and inquirers who want to pray about their vocation. It is written as a 30-day retreat, using scripture, reflection, activities, and questions to aid discernment. The booklet is written by Father Tat Hoang, C.S.s.R., a former NRVC member. $4 for members; $6 for non-members. Order it today.


News of HORIZON advertisers & NRVC collaborators

New opportunities and resources for you

RFC congress: Sept. 15 discount rate deadline

The Religious Formation Conference is gathering October 24-27 for its biennial congress in Louisville, Kentucky: "Being Signs of Courageous Hope."  Sister Norma Pimentel, M.J. and Father Bryan Massangale will be keynote speakers. 

Visit; the deadline for discounted registration is September 15. For questions about sponsoring or exhibiting, contact Ryan Hoffmann, associate director at

New book: How We Love: A Formation for the Celibate Life

This new title from Liturgical Press is written by Brother John Mark Falkenhain, O.S.B., a psychologist with experience in vocation and formation ministries. It explores the vow of chastity in depth. Don't miss the excerpt from this book in the Summer 2019 HORIZON.

Jackson Psychological Services

Assessments of candidates to religious institutes are offered by a skilled, experienced religious, psychologist, and NRVC member / presenter / HORIZON writer: Sister Cindy Kaye, R.S.M., Ph.D. 

Institute of Religious Formation & Hesburgh Sabbatical 

The Institute of Religious Formation and Hesburgh Sabbatical Programs at Catholic Theological Union are currently accepting applications for the fall semester of both programs, which begin August 28. For more information, see

St. John Vianney Center

The Saint John Vianney Center specializes in psychological and formational assessments for individuals seeking to enter religious life and comprehensive evaluations to identify community and ministry difficulties.

St. Luke Institute candidate assessment

St. Luke Institute offers integrated psychological and spiritual assessments for individuals discerning a call to the priesthood or religious life.

Prepare the Word

Prepare the Word is a resource to help preachers prepare homilies that hit home. It also offers material to help nourish and strengthen the faith of parishioners. 

Redemptorist Renewal Center

The peaceful Sonoran Desert is the stunning setting for this retreat center. It offers programs year-round, including its "Contemplative Study and Sabbatical Program" and the "Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction." Learn more at 

Thank you HORIZON advertisers!

HORIZON reaches a premier niche of highly educated religious men and women and lay ministers. Readers hold leadership positions in their communities and influence community decisions. Contact editor Carol Schuck Scheiber for more information: or 567-288-2255. Download the current rate card.


Catholics on Call

Catholics on Call invites campus ministers, vocation directors, and anyone who works with young adult Catholics to attend its next Partner Conference, which will be held in Chicago September 19-20.


CTU offering online class about religious life

The online course "Religious Life for the 21st Century: Creating Communities of Hope on a Global Scale," will be offered by Catholic Theological Union starting September 9. Sister Maria Cimperman, R.S.C.J. will teach the course. Learn more at


Communicators for Women Religious conference

The 25th anniversary conference of the Communicators for Women Religious will have a theme of "Voices Rising the Desert" and will take place in Mesa, Arizona October 1-4. Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. will be a keynote speaker.


Dates for 2019-20 vocation ministry

Sister Michael Francine Duncan, S.S.M.O.


How long have you been involved in vocation ministry? 

I have been with NRVC since 2006 but involved in vocation ministry since 2000. Currently I'm the vocation director for the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon.

Do you work with a team?

The S.S.M.O. community has a Vocation Committee that faithfully meets monthly. As vocation director I plan, schedule, and coordinate events within the community, and committee members assist wherever and whenever they can. 

Our committee of 11 sisters prays each morning for vocations at our Mass. We attend diocesan events as our time allows to promote vocations, and we promote vocation ideas to the community.  

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful?

Being part of NRVC is essential to our vocation work. The resources of NRVC are incredibly valuable; the classes are superb. I love meeting with vocation directors from other communities, and it's great to compare stories. It helps me know how connected we are in our mutual experiences.

What idea have you used lately that you're excited about?

We have three younger sisters who have taken over the Twitter account. They've given it a more vital and fun feel. The community's idea is that the younger sisters have to have a lot of input as they will inherit the ministry.

Any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?

My advice is get to the NRVC classes as soon as possible. They really give people a road map to vocation work. 

What do you find most rewarding  in vocation work?

It is really all rewarding and the work of God. I love best working with other communities and feeling support from them. Go Pacific Northwest!

Would you like to share a "fun fact" about yourself?

I attended Woodstock in 1969!

HORIZON and VISION earn awards ...
We're delighted to announce that our two vocation publications, VISION and ...  More
Summer Institute ...
Join us for any of the five workshops offered on-site at ...  More
NRVC Recognition Awards ...
As we look forward to gathering together at Convocation, NRVC members ...  More
Join us at Convocation! ...
This year’s keynote presentations, liturgies, and conversations are important for everyone ...  More
Annual Ordination Class Report ...
Read this report to learn more about men who will be ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate members of the NRVC in your Member Area.


Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry

July 16-17, 2024,


National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024,

Learn more...

Behavioral Assessment 1

July 19-21, 2024,


Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment

July 23-24, 2024,


Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding

July 26-29, 2024,


Board Executive Committee Meeting

August 8-10, 2024,

Chicago, IL

National Office Closed

September 2, 2024,

National Holiday

National Board Meeting

Sept. 9-13,

Philadelphia, PA

Pre-Convocation Workshops

October 31,

Register today...


Oct. 31 - Nov. 4,

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