Sister Julie Myers, O.S.F., Sylvania

Sister Julie Myers, O.S.F., Sylvania



How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

I spent 18 years in full-time ministry as a physical therapist assistant at Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo, Ohio. I began to feel a strong nudge within to look at my own gifts and talents and discern how I could use them beyond that ministry. Not much later, my congregation needed a vocation minister. I immediately turned to God and said, “Oh no! I am not tooled for this!” After much prayer and discernment with our Leadership Team, I transitioned into the vocation world in September 2009. I continue my ministry at the hospital on a contingent basis and also serve on the sacristan team for our motherhouse chapel.

Are you part of a vocation team?

Currently, four of my sisters assist me with programs and projects. Also, the leaders of eight women’s congregations in or near our diocese have pooled our efforts for better energy, support, and collaboration. I’m on a team of eight vocation ministers working together in our region.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful to you?

As a new vocation minister, I chose to continue our membership with NRVC because of the very positive feedback from my predecessor. The first highlight of membership was attending the Orientation to Vocation Ministry workshop. It was wonderful to be with so many sisters, brothers, and priests who did not (yet) know what they were doing either! Honestly, it was a very rich experience to build connections and relationships, as well as to gain significant knowledge and skills. Over the past four years I have found the newsletters very helpful. They are a great reminder to check out the website, which I consider my electronic toolbox! I am energized by the networking that occurs during the biennial convocation. During those events, I have gained mentors, friends, and companions for this journey, insight from the speakers, and understanding of best practices.

What has been your best outreach effort?

Advertising in VISION has been very helpful. It serves as a venue to communicate our name, congregational story, and charism to those who are searching. I appreciate the extra benefit of being able to post events and activities on this site. “Come and See” opportunities and our local Nun Run experiences have been positive efforts. They allow women to ask the questions they would not normally ask . . . and to see beyond the doors and into the hearts of those who have committed their life to God and service to the church. It is good to be open, to invite dialogue, and to let seekers know that a choice for this way of life is not a one-time decision. It takes ongoing discernment, prayer, and a daily “yes.”

Do you have any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?

Network, network, network! It is energizing to collaborate with your own community members, as well as with religious in your diocese. NRVC is a great resource for establishing connections. Finally, another great resource and positive expression of religious life is “A Nun’s Life Ministry” (at Its creators, Sister Julie Vieira, IHM and Sister Maxine Kollasch, IHM, are very creative in building an understanding of religious life.

Contact Sister Julie Myers at

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