NRVC publications win nine awards

NRVC publications win nine awards

NRVC is honored that its publications won nine awards from the Catholic Press Association in 2022. Congratulations to our outstanding writers and editors!

HORIZON awards

Best Essay - Religious Order Magazines
First Place
HORIZON, Sister Addie Lorraine Walker, S.S.N.D. “Reason for our hope: a testimony to our life, death, and resurrection in Christ Jesus

Best Reporting of Social Justice Issues - Solidarity
First Place
HORIZON, Father David Kelly, C.PP.S. “Finding hope in reconciliation

Best Book Review Section
Second Place
Horizon, Sister Amy Taylor, F.S.P.A.; Sister Barbara Kraemer, O.S.F.; Amy Potthast; Sister Graciela Colon, S.C.C. “Book notes”

Best Feature Article - Professional and Special-Interest, Including Clergy and Religious
Third Place
HORIZON, Nate Tinner-Williams Sister Clara Johnson, Tucker Redding, S.J. Sister Jessica Vitente, S.P.  “What attracted me to religious life

Magazine of the Year - Professional and Special-Interest Magazines, including Clergy Religious, Prayer and Spiritual Magazines
Honorable Mention
HORIZON: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference Carol Schuck Scheiber, Editor

Best Coverage – Racial Inequities
Honorable Mention
,  Writers: Father Linh Hoang, O.F.M., Sister Anita Baird, D.H.M., Sister Sophia Park, S.N.J.M.,  Sister Barbara Kraemer, O.S.F. Contributors Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, R.G.S., Brother Patrick Winbush, O.S.B. Editor: Carol Schuck Scheiber, editor. Race, culture and new members edition. Book review in Winter 2021.

VISION Vocation Guide awards

Best Feature Article - Professional and Special-Interest, Including Clergy and Religious
Second Place
VISION Catholic Religious Vocation Discernment Guide, Susan Flansburg “A zigzagging road to the convent

Best Website - Magazine or Newsletter
Honorable Mention
VISION VISION Catholic Religious Vocation Discernment Guide, VISION team

Best Feature Article - National General Interest Magazines
Honorable Mention
VISION Catholic Religious Vocation Discernment Guide, Fr. Dave Kelly, C.PP.S. “In search of healing, one story at a time.

Published on: 2020-07-12

Updated on: 2022-07-11

1 Comment

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Sr. Ana Cecilia Montalvo Villanueva F.Sp.S.

14:34:02 - 2022. Jul 28

Congratulation NRVC Family for all the hard and beautiful work to cultivate religious vocations!

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