Fall Institute in pictures

Fall Institute in pictures

Workshop series earns praise

Graduates of "The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment" workshop.

Clockwise from top left: Father Byron Macias, C.M.F and Bobby Pantuso take part in "Behavioral Assessment 2"; Sisters Jessi Beck, P.B.V.M., Tracy Kemme, S.C.,  and Comfort Arthur, C.S.C. network during a break; Father Alarey Abella, C.PP.S. presides at a daily Mass during Fall Institute; Sister Maria Palma, C.S.C., Sister Prista Haga, S.M.S.M., and Exequiel Mapa, C.F.A. hold a discussion during "Behavioral Assessment 1." 


NRVC's Fall Institute, a series of four vocation ministry workshops held in Leavenworth, Kansas October 8-23, drew positive feedback from its 78 participants. Vocation ministers attended from around the United States, as well as from six other countries.

Sister Katia Chavez, S.J.S., who participated in the Orientation Program,  reported: "This program exceeded my expectations. The facility was the best, the schedule included socials, and the content was helpful and practical. The fact that we had a brother and a sister as presenters was a great testimony for religious vocations."

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